Friday, November 20, 2009

Checkouts ... Security: Your Web Host is Key

By Loren Allen

When a website is setup the page in which the most emphasis should be given is the checkout page. This is basically your sales pitch page and where money is put in the bank. Isn't this the whole purpose behind a website, to promote sales and put money in your bank account? However, you don't want to be over aggressive with your sales page because it could cause disinterest in potential buyers.

However, research claims that out of every ten buyers seven buyers do not end up buying from you because of the problems with the site's checkout page. This could be for reasons such as the way the page looks and is difficult to maneuver around; it is not customer friendly and the security concerns.

To counter this sorry state of affairs, you need to ask your web designer or web hosting provider to give you one tool box check out solution. It would be better to negotiate the price and get a good deal, keeping security provided by web host provider in mind.

There are number of features that can be offered by your web host provider to your customer such as paying option like PayPal, electronic bank transfer etc. The transaction speed should be very fast as customers don't want to wait for so long. The instruction given by you should be very clear and simple. Security offered must be of state of art level. You must try your level hard to make all the checkout experience of your customer delightful, so that they can come again and again.

Checkout is very important for commercial purpose as it can make or break your business through website. Your website host plays a crucial role in this regard. There are lot of data which very sensitive and require to be stored very carefully. These data includes credit card numbers, account information and social security number. Your customer must be assured that there personnel information is safe with you and this can only be done by your web host. In order to keep away hackers and intruders web host must provide different types of security gateways.

Finally, the webhosting company must be capable of providing protection from system downtime. If something of this nature does happen on a consistent basis when customers and potential clients go to checkout on your page then there's a strong possibly it will be a turnoff and you can kiss that customer/client goodbye because there are plenty other alternative on the web. - 16890

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