Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Unbelievable Influence Of Subconscious Mind Power

By Ronald Bigley

You've probably heard the phrase 'if you build it, they will come' plenty of times before, whether or not you've ever actually watched the movie Field of Dreams. Now substitute the word 'think' for 'build' and 'they' with 'anything you want'. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen.

You already have all of the power you need to change everything about your life for the better " it's inside of you; in your subconscious mind. In fact, your mind is much more powerful than you've probably ever imagined. It can heal you, help you to transcend the physical world and to make yourself feel the heights of elation or the depths of despair. If you could learn to control your subconscious mind power, you can do things you've only imagined.

You're probably skeptical about this idea, but bear with me a moment. One example which may help you to see the possibilities comes from the world of clinical trials: the placebo effect. The control group in a test are given a placebo and the experimental group are given the medication being tested, though neither group knows whether or not it is actually receiving the drug.

For this reason, you find the experimental and control groups reporting much the same effects in clinical trials, since both groups know what the medication being tested is supposed to do. Regardless of whether the participants are being given the real medication or not, they think that they are and their mind essentially fools the body into feeling the purported effects of the medication.

This is exactly why there are doctors who prefer not to tell patients about any side effects that a new medication might have. They know how powerful of a force that suggestion can be and that patients will often believe themselves to be experiencing side effects that they've been informed about, whether or not they're genuinely experiencing them.

The power of suggestion is one of the best ways to tap into your subconscious mind power. If the placebo effect works in the world of medicine, you can put it to work for your own self improvement as well. Suggestion is among the most effective means of communicating with the subconscious mind and gaining access to the full potential of your mind power.

Many people find visualization to be a useful technique to get in touch with their subconscious mind power. Best of all, visualization is easy to do. You can simply close your eyes and try to 'view' anything that you want in your mind's eye.

Something else which works for many whether on its own or along with visualization techniques is to find a picture of their goal " or better still, a picture of themselves with their objective. This image helps you to focus your subconscious mind power on achieving your objectives. Say that you want a certain car. Have a picture taken of yourself with this car and put it up somewhere that you'll see it every day. Every time you see your goal, it sends a message to your subconscious to put your mental energy into making it a reality.

While some people have known that these techniques work for some time now, it is only in the last few years that we've come to see exactly how these methods may work.

There is an idea which comes from quantum physics that says that matter isn't set into a particular state unless or until there is an observer there to see it. It is already known that all matter is at its most basic essence pure energy " and it seems that our subconscious mind power may be able to influence matter.

It may not be that our universe makes us, but that we make the universe. If this is how it really is, as increasing numbers of scientific studies suggest, then subconscious mind power may just be the key to changing the world in a very profound way.

Various religious traditions take it as a given that our minds are able to control or even create our surroundings. Science is now starting to catch up and may be coming to an eventual agreement with the religious and philosophical views on this subject. Regardless of your religious beliefs, if any, it's pretty sure that you are a firm believer in the laws of nature.

If you could make changes in your life just by using your subconscious mind power, you'd definitely want to do so. All you need to do is learn to use this power instead of letting it hold sway over your conscious mind. The way to begin is to use visualizations and affirmations to get you closer to your goals. Start with small things and as your subconscious mind power develops, you'll be able to achieve greater and greater things. - 16890

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