Sunday, May 31, 2009

Home Based Residual Income, All You Need To Know.

By Louis-Charles Martel

Defining residual income - Residual income also known as passive income is a very common referral to income received from a source that requires very little effort in generation usually on a monthly basis. Popular examples of residual aka passive income are property leasing, stock dividends or bond interest, affiliate programme commission and royalties, of which affiliate programme income is the most popular means of earning home based residual income.

Other possible definitions of passive income- It is important to keep in mind that previously mentioned definition is not the only definitions of residual income. The other definition refers to any money left over in your budget after all debt installments have paid for a month. Examples of these debts include apparel accounts, telephone bills or mortgages. Should these debts be fully paid up, the amounts allocated every month towards these costs will then be regarded as your residual income.

World wide web as source of residual income- The immense popularity and incredibly size of the world wide web user base makes the internet one of the most lucrative home based residual income vehicles in the world. Requiring only a computer, internet and an affiliate programme structure to get your business of the ground. Start-up costs are little to none with loads of free software for business operation, initial setup and support. All these inclusions and general structure, cut business costs significantly, saving you hundred of Dollars on office and equipment rental, labour and overheads.

Defining affiliated programmes- Affiliated programmes will pay the affiliate members, subscribers or referrer to the programme a commission usually on a monthly basis, depending upon the affiliate referrers performance in terms of promoting a specific product or service for a merchant.

Partners- It is essential to keep in mind that the affiliate merchant and referrer are business partners, closely resembling a real-life business partnership structure just without the all the legal requirements and red tape. The two parties have a mutually beneficial relationship. However it is imperative for merchants to respect the relationship with their network of affiliates as the slightest bit of neglect or abuse could lead to total deterioration of the affiliate network. Payments should be regular as well as fair in relation to market compensation rates. Be on the look out for con-artists and scammers as there are tons crawling around in the e-commerce industry.

Types of income on affiliate programmes- Three affiliate programme income types are available in the form of Pay Per Click, which pays referrer on the basis of merchant website traffic, Pay Per Sale, paying referrer in terms of successful purchases or sale referrals and Pay Per Lead, paying referrer for qualified or unqualified leads.

The secret- The secret to affiliate programme success lies firstly in the identification of target audience and secondly in the actual targeting of product or service user. These are the most important rules in any successful marketing strategy. If you know which specific age, race or gender group likes or requires a specific product or service the group must be tapped into.

Site content- Please keep your affiliate website uncluttered and easy to navigate. Service or product sales will also be much higher if you ensure that your affiliate website content matches that of the merchants' as far as it is allowed to. - 16890

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Magnetic Sponsoring: Getting the Best by Giving Your Best

By Art Basmajian

What is it, you are probably wondering, that some people do to create leads in the MLM business when it looks like they're simply just WAITING for it? Do they know something that you don't? And is this something a "something" that you can learn, or is it a secret locked up in Fort Knox? Luckily for you, it isn't. It is called Magnetic Sponsoring, and Mike Dillard, the man behind it, is willing to spill the beans. However, Magnetic Sponsoring is a lot of interrelated things, and the last thing it is is a free ride.

The book Magnetic Sponsoring was written by him to describe a business model that can enable you to put yourself as a selling point of your product. Aside from your products, you allow yourself to be the brand itself. This book also contains great strategies in business. The book can be delivered right at your doorstep once you've placed an order.

But Mike Dillard is not just intent in selling you a book or a manual on Magnetic Sponsoring. He also wants it to work for you, just as he wants you to focus on other things other than making that one time sale, like selling yourself and building a lasting relationship built on mutual benefits for you and your entire network. Magnetic Sponsoring is effective - many people can attest to this as fact, and it can work for you. Knowledge is priceless, and the paltry bit that you have to pay to gain the knowledge that Mike Dillard is willing to share will pay for itself, if you're willing to let it.

By reading and understanding the whole concept, you might even think to yourself that, somehow, all of it is just plain common sense. Well, in essence it really is, and it makes life easier by helping you get as much leads as you can. Because, let's face it: marketing a brand is serious business, and even if the Internet can help you, at first, it will be against you. That's why Mike Dillard came up with a whole new system that's entirely different from the olden, prehistoric ways of marketing.

Sure, Magnetic Sponsoring is different, but is different a bad thing? It can help you earn without spending much. Now THAT is a good deal, right? - 16890

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Kicking the Worry Habit

By Michael Angier

"Worry is like prayer in reverse."

I grew up on a Vermont farm. After college, I bought a farm of my own and operated it for several years. During this time, I learned the secret to making a small fortune in farming. It's kind of inside information, and I don't pass it around to just anybody. Ready? Here it is: start out with a large one. And sooner or later, you'll have a small one.

Farmers don't lead easy lives. The work is hard and the risks are great. They're dependent on the weather and many other things outside of their control.

I used to worry all the time. I worried about livestock disease. I worried about getting bank loans. I worried about the buying price of grain and the selling price of livestock. I worried about not having enough money. I was unhappy, fatigued and irritable. It had become a disease.

And then I read Dale Carnegie's classic, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. In doing so, I realized I was making myself sick with worry, and I could pay a very heavy price. Reading that book may have saved my life.

I came to the awareness that worry is like prayer in reverse. When we worry and fret over things, we make them bigger than they really are, as well as attract what we're fussing over. It's positive proof of the principle of visualization-only in a negative way.

Somehow, I had it wired up that worry was actually virtuous. I guess I figured I wasn't being a good parent unless I worried about my kids. I thought I was being irresponsible if I wasn't worrying about my business and my finances. Not so.

It took me over a year to kick the worry habit. It wasn't easy. It took daily diligence to eradicate it from my life. I occasionally slip back into worry for brief periods, but I don't stay with it. It no longer runs my life.

Worry is not our friend; it's our enemy. Jim Rohn says, "Worry is like an economic cancer. And if continued, it will haul you off into a financial desert where you will choke on the dust of your own regrets." How's that for a vivid picture?

Most of the things we worry about are things over which we have little or no control. If we think about it, it's stupid. Agonizing about what might occur and about things we can't control gives away our power.

Thankfully, most of what we worry about never occurs. The French philosopher Michel Eyquem de Montaigne wrote in the 1500's, "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened."

What do you worry about? In my research, I've found most people are excellent worriers. They worry about illness, lack of money, old age, taxes, the next generation-you name it!

They burn up their energy, lower their resistance to illness and actually draw to them what they fear. Like Job in the Bible, "That which I have feared has come upon me."

Our hospitals and cemeteries are filled with people who made worry an everyday companion. Don't be one of them. If you suffer from this affliction, you need to cure yourself.

By doing so, you'll be healthier, live longer, have more fun and produce more of what you want.

The biggest lever for change is to be aware of what you're doing and realize how detrimental it is to your life. If you find yourself upset or anxious, check to see if you're worrying. If so, focus on what you want rather than what you don't want.

You can't simply stop worrying. You have to replace your worry by thinking about desired results-something good instead of something bad. Start working on the solution rather than a possible negative outcome. - 16890

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How to Survive a Crisis in Your Marriage

By Ricardo d Argence

A marriage in crisis is difficult to handle as it seems that what was once full of life is now suffering and on the brink of dying. When you are dating, new love seems to have a life of it's own. Everything being so new feels like a new life has begun has the two of you have started a new life together.

When you get married, it seems like everything just falls into place and everything makes sense. When times get tough, though, and the marriage begins to struggle it can seem like the new life is starting to get old and may die out. If you aren't ready for your life together to die, your marriage in crisis may need to get C.P.R.

Get Counseling: If you are serious about saving your marriage in crisis, then you may want to think about going to a marriage counselor. This tool is not utilized by many people. If you are seeking a resolution to your problems and want to find little ways to help the two of you grow closer then you should definitely think about marriage counseling. You will be able to understand your partner better and find ways to show your affection towards your spouse.

You will also be able to find better ways to express yourself when you utilize marriage counseling so that you dont come across in an attacking manner.

Did it ever occur to you that one of you is dealing with some serious issues that is putting your marriage at risk? If you happen to be one of those people, then it may be best to get therapy on your own. This may be a hard pill to swallow because your pride tends to rear its ugly head and get in the way. However, if you are serious about saving your marriage that is in crisis, you will want and need to seek out a good marriage counselor.

Get Perspective: In the event that your marriage is headed for deep trouble, you will need to get some perspective about what is happening to your marriage. In this area it would be best to consult a marriage counselor because he or she will be able to help you to see things from a different perspective.

Things may appear to be very clear from your vantage point. However, when you are able to see things from a different angle, the things that you could not understand before may make better sense. When you are able to get perspectives from other vantage points and angles, this will be very helpful in making you fully aware of what is happening so that you will be able to save your marriage in crisis.

Resolution: Now that you have been able to get a better perspective on the crisis you are faced with concerning your marriage and are getting some counseling, you will have a great variety of ideas and information to make use of. These things will aid in repairing the damage that is done IF you are able and willing to act on it. To put it one way: Knowing is half the battle. However, no battle that was half fought was ever won.

When you see a person who is drowning and you know how to swim, perform CPR and are trained in first aid, you might know all that you need in order to save that persons life. Knowledge alone will not save that person, but if you act upon that knowledge that person has a better chance of surviving.

The same thing is true with your marriage. It just takes you acting upon it and getting resolved the issues that were killing your marriage. A marriage in crisis can only be saved if you act to make things better. - 16890

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dead Projects Walking

By Rob Llewellyn

We have all seen statistics banded areound that are associated with the high rate of project failure. According to a study by Gartner, nearly 40% percent of IT projects fail or are abandoned before completion. There are many larger figures flying around on the same subject. But regardless of the figure - it is very high and a dark cloud over the project management industry.

Many project managers are afraid of being labelled as quitters or failures. It certainly takes more courage for a Project Manager to admit that a project is a failure than to accept it (with no choice) when they finally walk over the edge of the cliff.

To be honest, it is my view that continuing with a hopeless project is like flogging a dead horse and wasting large sums of money in the process. It is not good business sense.

According to a four-year survey of 672 senior business and IT managers carried out by the Center for Project Management (USA), only around 20% of Project Managers have a process for identifying and cancelling failed projects.

It is only natural for most project managers and their teams to have a task-oriented focus. Most project methodologies will anticipate project difficulties and suggest monitoring and controlling processes for the effective management of change, issues and problems.

But the resulting mindset for the project effort can often be so focused on getting the project back on track that it pays no attention to the fact that the project may very well be a dead horse that is still being flogged. It is wise to be open to the possibility that the project is a like a horse that will never run again. So stop flogging it!

It certainly takes courage to prematurely close a project because often you are likely to upset someone higher up the chain of command than yourself. Stopping a project is not for the faint of heart who are afraid to upset the boss, which is why you will often see an independent consultant who is external to company politics often step up to the mark and do the necessary.

There are many ailing projects that were the brainchild of a C-level executive still laying in dark corners of companies. They have often become useless, expensive and a drain on resources. No one has the courage to get the executive in question to face up to the fact that their project is not likely to succeed after all. - 16890

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Some Really Interesting iPhone Apps

By Thom Yarbrough

There are so many interesting iPhone apps out there that it will take a huge amount of time for you to browse through all of them, given you have that much time. While some really cool apps are out there which you can be bought, you can also download some really good apps for free! They seem to have apps for every single thing that you want and there are numerous categories such as health, lifestyle, finance or entertainment within which these apps find their place. A few of these apps are described here briefly so as to make you aware of how useful they can be in real life.

Pocket Therapist

How cool would it be if we had someone who would listen to us whenever we wanted to rant about something and then even offer us some advice? And what if you could fit this listener in the palm of your hand? The Pocket Therapist is just what the name claims and is an app which can listen to your problems and even give you some good advice. You can record audio files about how you feel and then the Pocket Therapist with its UI of a friendly doctor will listen to what you have to say and even offer suggestions on how to handle your problems. All you need to do is to shake the iPhone.


We all need that power nap sometimes when we've had a late night and need to energize ourselves at work. But your office will not take kindly to you taking a nap in the middle of the work day! Don't worry, you can still nap and get refreshed once you download the iNap@work application for your iPhone. This app makes realistic working sounds for you, such as rustling of paper, staplers working, keyboard getting tapped, mouse clicks, and numerous such sounds, which will make it sound as though you are actually working! Some of the options that you can also have would be the sounds of throats being cleared and sniffing etc.


Yelp along with your iPhone and find out about the latest goings on in your locality. Or use this fantastic app to find out great restaurants and hotels based on reviews sent in by actual users. Yelp for the iPhone works beautifully, just as it does on your computer. Be well informed about whatever's happening in your neighborhood, or any place that you may be going to. The information on Yelp is constantly being updated by new and current reviews.


For inveterate bloggers who rely on WordPress to keep their blogosphere updated with their latest posts, WordPress for iPhone is a must have application a first of its kind Open Source app with which you can write your posts, put up photos, and even edit the blog from your iPhone directly. There are so many things you can do with this app and it's a treat for complete bloggers who want to create multiple posts. You can take photos from your iPhone camera directly and add them to your post or even add them from the iPhone library. - 16890

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Increase Web Site Traffic Easily Using The Power Of Teleconferences

By Tim Buchalka

An alternative way to get more traffic to your sites is with teleconferencing. Teleconferencing is where you can have visitors call in and as group listen to your message, interviews, etc via a normal phone line.

Additionally there are also special virtual rooms on the Internet where you can invite people and the conversation occurs over the Internet rather than on the phone). I collectively refer to both these types as teleconferences for simplicity however you will note they are often referred to as Webinars (Web Seminars).

Now the thing to think about is what the teleconference will be all about, obviously it has to be of relevance to your listeners otherwise they won't bother turning up, so ensure your subject is one that is relevant to them and that they would have an interest in.

Perhaps an obvious thing, but you would be surprised at the number of people would assume people in a completely different market would have an interest in their particular subject (whilst it is possible that a percentage of people here will have an interest, your probably far better off targeting people with a definite.

You don't want to turn people off by using teleconferencing as a full on hard sell opportunity where you spend the majority of your time promoting your services, products etc. If your like me full on sales are a big turn off, and I am very unlikely to buy a product from a company doing this, particularly if this is my first introduction to their products and services.

Remember the golden rule is to ensure you have something of use for the teleconference attendee, something of value to give to them. You need to give people a reason to attend your teleconference, so ensure that you attack it from this angle.

A good example of a teleconference would be an introduction to a particular product you are using, and the problems that are solved by using the product.

In this example you would probably make the actual problem the main focus of the teleconference, and talk about other possible answers including (of course) your product.

Pick a real problem that it's likely will be faced by lots of people with an interest in your niche market. For example in web traffic, a good teleconference could have simple premise. "Real and Practical ways to gain traffic to your Website in hours, not weeks!".

Hmmm, I will definately remember to use that one in the near future!

Make the discussion very interesting, very informative, and make sure you can solve the problems you are discussing! Of course there is no reason why you can not follow up with a URL and promote your website, if your truly going to be able to solve a particular problem it can fit into the presentation quite well.

There are several options available to you in teleconferences, for example you can decide whether to have listener participation or not, whether you should charge for the teleconference, and whether you should record the teleconference and make it available to those people who missed the event.

Thinking laterally, there is no reason why you can not record the teleconference and then market it as a product on your website afterwards, it's certainly been done before! ALternatively with the purchase of your products you could offer the recording as a free bonus.

Good online conference software will actually allow you do the following: -

1. Have a password, so that only people you have invited can attend (or it could be only those that have paid for the conference, etc).

2. A mute button so that you can silence all other listeners. This is useful when you are talking to avoid other people talking over you, etc.

3. Video capability - So you can display a video, webcam image, etc.

4. Internet Browser capability - This is very useful where you can at your computer enter a URL and all the other conference attendees see that URL on their screen - This is terrific for presentations i.e. Powerpoint, etc is where you can bring up information to show this while talking at the same time. This is also very useful for software demonstrations, etc.

5. Private and Public message - Public message that all participants can see, or a Private messages to a selected person.

Make sure you take the time to learn about this great way to improve your search engine promotion results. - 16890

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String Trimmer Sale - What to Consider When Buying a String Trimmer

By Chris Jensen

Shopping for that one string trimmer for you and your garden can be really challenging. With so many string trimmers made available, you'll feel boggled and really challenged. Hence, knowing what to consider when buying a string trimmer can help. It will make things easier for you.

Basically, when buying a string trimmer you just need to consider the controls, shaft and machine combination, engine, noise produced, availability of spare parts, and string feed action.

Nonetheless, the controls must be reachable. If they are reachable, doing the trimming and all will be just so easy and not too exhausting. While the shaft and machine combination must be good and balanced. If it's good and balanced, completing trimming works will be light and efficient. Then the engine must be lightweight and easy to start. If it's lightweight and easy to start, completing the job will be just so simple. No matter what, the noise produced must be low. Nobody wants so much noise. Then the availability of spare parts must be good. To avoid delay, spare parts must be readily available. Finally, the string fee action must be good and easy. If it's good and easy, there'll be no troubles to expect.

Everything cited must be considered as you shop for that one string trimmer for you and your garden. Everything plays a role, everything matters.

Shopping for that one string trimmer for you and your garden can be just so simple. No need to feel boggled or really challenged. Just take note of what you need to consider as you shop and everything else will follow. - 16890

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Economical Cooking

By Pri Vag

We have all seen food and lifestyle price surge from month to month with ever increasing special offers, BOGOF bargains and voucher codes in our inbox to compete in the current economic situation. Despite this, one thing we cannot ignore is the growing price at the total checkout.

The average price of consumer goods has recently shot up and this means people simply need to spend more compared with a few years ago. People now need to be very careful what they buy, in order to ensure they are getting the best value for money and the highest quality ingredients for their meals.

Food prices have been growing at an alarming rate but this still doesnt mean we have to eat unhealthy and cheap food. A good diet at a good price can still be found at the supermarket.

Help is at hand as there are workshops which focus on 2 key elements, high nutrition and a low budget. You can find out how to use nutritious ingredients to produce wholesome foods suitable for both mid week when time maybe short to weekend and more relaxed situations.

It is certain that just by purchasing ingredients with a lower value does not mean inferior, low end supermarket budget ranges, reduced in any form of nutrition or just plain boring. If anything it opens doors to more creative cuisine and often reapplying ingredients that one already be familiar with albeit in a very different way or introducing new foods into daily lifestyle.

I feel that it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well, do exercise as obesity and health problems are rife in todays society. This attitude needs to change and people need to be extremely health conscious or we will pay the price further down the line. Keep looking for the best deals but also foods with the best nutritional value. - 16890

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Wealthy Affiliate Members - Learning How to Bum Market Their Way To The Bank

By Steve Wood

Everyone at some time will investigate the possibility of making money online. Its only a matter of time before they stumble on some web site that promises wealth beyond their wildest dreams. And without a care in the world the process will be in place for them to start researching the key phrase Make money online. Unfortunately for most they do not understand just what they have unlashed on their selves. They are about to meet the guru, The online manipulator that never stops attacking they credit card. If only they had type in to that search engine, learn affiliate marketing and found the wealthy affiliate university , they would have been on their way to a professional affiliate marketing career online.

Typing in to a search engine the keyword phrase ( make money online) as put them well on the way to total disaster in their efforts to get in on the action. Forget the headlines you read on these silly web sites, its impossible to make that kind of money online in a day, month or even a year, without proper training and education on some type of marketing subject. Affiliate marketing is the only real business you should be concentrating on, what those web sites didnt explain to you but should have is you need experience in online marketing to even make your money back let alone become wealthy. What to learn how to bum market online and earn affiliate income week in week out? No web site needed, bet you have read that before right, Your not alone many people have, but this time its true The wealthy affiliate university can teach you bum marketing as part of your affiliate training. The only cost involved to you is your monthly tuition fees.

Anyone can set their selves up as an affiliate marketer but unfortunately those that do without the proper affiliate training and education fail to make even one measly affiliate sale. (All one has to do is display, inform and spread the word about certain products and services created or offered by a different companies and then collect their commissions). Sounds easy, so why the big failure rate?

In reality affiliate marketing is about pre-selling a product to a person who is in the market to buy that particular item. Doing a good job of this can pretty much guarantee you the sale and affiliate commission. Do it badly and the buyer will move on to someone elses landing page. Bum marketing is a way to present products to buyers without the hassle of having to pay for web hosting and maintaining web sites. There are things you need to learn before you can make it an affective way of earning a steady income online.

One of the Wealthy affiliate university subjects is teaching affective bum marketing, When done the right way bum marketing can be very profitable over time, with the added benefit of costing you nothing in advertising cost or web hosting fees, 100% profit the affiliate marketers dream come true. Learning how to market online for free is one of my favourite subjects, at the wealthy affiliate university.

Any sales that come from your articles are 100% profit for you, this is how bum marketing works and is a favourite of 90% of professional affiliate marketers. affiliate marketing works. It might seem too simple and basic to work, but it is a fact gaining a lot of ground and is increasing in popularity.

Like it or not there is no such thing as free education someone somewhere paid for yours in the passed. And if you want to learn how to become a professional affiliate marketer you will have to learn how to get someone else to pay for your training and education again. Luckily for you, the wealthy affiliate university can teach you how to do that as well. By getting targeted people to the affiliate products sales page. Join now and start learning your way to a full time professional affiliate marketing career. - 16890

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The Advantages Of Pink Mobile Phones

By Lizzy Hatpail

Pink mobile phones have a lot of advantages, even if your favorite color is not pink. For instance, most electronic products start out in basic black when they're first introduced. They only branch out to different colors once they become widely popular. If a pink version is available of the cell phone you want, that means that you'll probably have an easier time of replacing it should it break.

Pink is a very visible color. This sure comes in handy when you happen to misplace your phone. Despite its popularity among young girls, pink is not often used for furniture or carpets.

Younger girls like pink, and things that are pink are usually targeted to the younger market. A pink cell phone is probably intended for the youth market; which means it's probably sturdier. Teenagers are careless, so products for teenagers are made to withstand more punishment.

Pink is a lighter shade of red, which is the color most often used for warnings such as stop signs or traffic lights. Having a pink phone may help discourage you from overusing your phone. While this might help if you are close to running out of minutes, it can also prevent you from making calls that may seem trivial but are actually important. For example, if you are almost positive that you're having dinner with someone at a certain time but not completely sure, you might keep from calling because the color of your cell phone seems too threatening. Since pink has a bit of white mixed in, it will seem safer to make the call and find out that indeed dinner was at a different restaurant.

Of course, some women consider pink to be fashionable. My word of advice to such women is, Don't overdo it. If you're getting five different cell phones to match your five shades of lipstick, I would say you're overdoing it. If this description fits you, I beg you to reconsider, and find something better to do with your time.

Gelett Burgess stated in a famous poem that "I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one." Looking for information for this article made me realize that rather than place pink mobile phones as a purple cow item I should elevate their status. Purple cows can rest easy knowing that I no longer rank them with pink cell phones and they no longer have to compete with them. Still, existence as a pink cell phone is not something that I think I would enjoy. - 16890

About the Author:


By Pri Vag

It doesnt matter about your sector, whether you are a business, association or charity; if you manufacture, transport, or provide services or goods, there is no such thing as a static environment.

Right now you are probably considering at least one of the following:

Reduce Costs Increase Income Expand Customer Satisfaction Workforce Efficiency Risk Management Retain Staff Process Review

Telecommunications can aid in this goal as it is more than just a Telephone Modern communication systems, more than just a telephone, and much more than a just another utility like gas or electricity.

They are part of the tool kit of every enterprise big or small. Whether you just want to manage your finances, develop your staff skills, make major changes to the way you work, or simply get bigger and better we can make communications work for you.

Without crippling your cashflow or militarising your staff you can build up from where you are now. The savings you make by getting the best financial deal today will help you attain your goals tomorrow.

Telecommunications have become so important today and they can enhance your customer experience as well as reducing bottom line costs. It also has the ability to improve staff efficiency and provide them with invaluable tools in which to perform and develop.

Modern, successful enterprise relies on getting telecommunications right. You know that your customers/clients expect the best. Whether it is offering them choice, empowering your staff to respond effectively or controlling costs to be competitive, communications are fundamental to your success. If your customers are not provided with the best services it allows your competitors to jump ahead and gain competitive advantages over you. In this current economical climate this is not ideal and there for offering the best services can only lead you to success. - 16890

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Get Back Together with Your Boyfriend - Useful Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

You have determined your boyfriend is worth getting back together with and you want you and your boyfriend to get back together. Perhaps, you are tired of feeling so lost and alone without him by your side. You miss him terribly now that he is gone.

Consider changing your approach towards him and the relationship if you want you and your boyfriend to get back together. He may have panicked if the relationship moved along to quickly and marriage was on the horizon.

Perhaps he felt lacking in personal space or smothered in the relationship. He may have felt totally out of control of his plans for the future. Maybe, he felt some pressure from you and needed to back away from the relationship.

This may or may not have been the case, however if you push too much it very well may become so. You must be aware of this, if you want you and your boyfriend to get back together again.

Your boyfriend may be like many males and thrive on being independent. They need their space from time to time. While the idea of marriage and commitment may have seemed appealing to them for a moment, reality could have set in and now they are feeling trapped. Males very often need to feel in charge. They need to feel in charge of not only themselves, but of situations.

He may have a hard time feeling in control when things get moving along in a rush. Understand that when you begin talking long-term commitment or marriage, he may not be ready and will feel sucked into the situation. If he does not feel ready for such a relationship, most likely he is not. If he is feeling pushed along that road and he is not ready yet, he will run the other way as hard as he can.

If he is not ready, he has left the relationship and you want, you and your boyfriend to get back together you have to keep it a secret from him. Do not show him that you are sensitive about the breakup or wanting to get back together. Do not try to force him down that road. Willingly walking that road together is what you want. Let him take the lead. He needs to feel as though it is his idea to choose the direction. When he is ready and he wants too, he will. You cannot fix the problem by forcing it.

Since there is no direction right now and you are dealing with a break up, now is actually a good time to get started back down that path. He may feel free and clear of you and to an extent very well may be.

If the two of you are still on a friendly basis and he wants to talk, be available. However, you should not be too available. When he calls, do not be readily available. When he wants to make plans, turn him down the first time but ask him for a rain check. You want him to pursue you, allow him to hunt.

Keep in mind that sometimes the things you want the most are those things that are the hardest to get. Let him hunt you. Men most often hunt for those things that are hardest to find. Allow him to go in for the kill and you will both be happy.

You want him to commit and if you make yourself someone worth hunting and let yourself be hunted and not necessarily caught, you may see you and your boyfriend get back together. - 16890

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Craft Shows in a Financial Crisis

By Rick Amorey

These days, it's so hard to make a life. Many people find themselves jobless at the brunt of the recession, but not because they are lacking in skills, but simply because the company they were in are cutting corners. If you find yourself laid off and without a job, then that's the end of it. But it also means that you now suddenly have a lot of time on your hands.

So, what do you do with all the free time you now have? Understandably, a lot of people will use it by spending more time with their respective families. A number of you will probably spend most of their time and energies towards finding a replacement job. But, let's be realistic. Until we get away from this recession, finding new jobs will prove to be very difficult.

A small business may be a better idea for now. While it will be less than what you used to make in your old job, it's something at least. The cost of living will still be there, bills to pay and whatnot, and you must have some sort of buffer for it.

Take me, for example, I have decided to go back to a hobby that I had as a teenager. I used to make wonderful wood carvings, but decided to stop when I started out life as an adult. There were more important things to do, after all. But now, I have returned to my hobby, and have decided to earn some extra income by selling them at craft shows.

Looking for craft shows to sell my wares have never been easier in the Internet age. Helpful people have decided to archive ALL upcoming events online; and finding the next show is just a simple matter of surfing for information. Admittedly, it doesn't give me too much income. But at least I keep the money flowing amidst the financial crisis. - 16890

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Web Hosting for Cost Savings

By Tom Watley

Website hosting and hosting server products are just some of the biggest services on the World Wide Web. Obtaining a reliable hosting account to assist anyone to handle website traffic is crucial for a great number of consumers. To some, free website hosting may not appear to be the ideal choice to provide website hosting services but a free web host service is ideal for a great number of consumers. With so many cheap website hosting providers supplying microsoft web hosting services or dedicated server cheap prices, it is possible for all consumers to have their own domain name service.

There is simplicity to domain name registration and hosting but thankfully a good host provider will take care of it and offer affordable business web hosting. Their packages should include services like colocation service, free web hosting asp, dedicated servers cheap, cpanel reseller hosting, cheap asp net hosting and colocation facility if required. There are without doubt many small needs and services provided in this industry with items like php web hosting mysql or a domain name service. The provision of services which utilize a dedicated hosting provider has brought awareness of these services which has led to a request to know which the most efficientweb hosting provider is and even what sort of free web hosting provider is provided.

It doesn't matter if the operating system that business uses there is a hosting provider available with products such as a windows dedicated server or a cpanel dedicated server. This means that a dedicated web-host provision is available for each and every businesswoman that needs to be on the World Wide Web. For a shopper to evaluate a co-located web servers or cheap dedicated servers, the choice is improving swiftly and will help any IT department to produce the online capabilities they need. The ability to study and research companies to a greater degree is helping consumers make the right choice regarding their hosting buying decisions.

Although a great variety of hosting jobs are catered for having access to web site reviews can make it easier to find exactly what is required. This can be shown with a lunarpages review where consumers are directed to services such as free asp net hosting. A review may also inform consumers of localized benefits or services with a web hosting South Africa service being particularly relevant to South African consumers. Being able to find the best webhosting top companies and understanding who the website owners are will help customers develop an interest in firms and reading a top 10 web host should make it easier to follow the different options involved with websitehosting. There are many different options available in web hosting, such as colocation facilities, com website hosting or unix Webhosting but there is always likely to be 1 website hosting firm that dovetails well with your needs. The wide array of hostings guarantees that there is something for everything regardless of size, shape or location. - 16890

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Can Anyone Try Lucid Dreaming?

By Trevor Albitt

Lucid Dreaming, also known as conscious dreaming is the practice of remaining aware of oneself as well as the fact that one is dreaming while dreaming. While in a dream, you are conscious of the fact that the things you see and experience are only a dream. You can have some control over your dreams once you are able to practice lucid dreaming, unlike in ordinary dreams.

The power of having complete control over the direction of your dreams is something straight out of metaphysical existence. Suddenly, all the limitations you ever felt in life just cease to exist.

Is lucid dreaming as straightforward as all that? Is lucid dreaming something which can be experienced by anyone?

In fact, lucid dreaming is not too difficult a task. If you are determined to learn this powerful medium of expressing your inner desires, there are tried and tested ways of achieving this.

Foremost, you must be absolutely clear about your objective in trying to master the art of lucid dreaming. Do you just want to have your own private playground in the form of lucid dreams, or there is some specific reason for developing this skill? Whatever may be the reason, it should be crystal clear in your mind.

Then starts the actual process of learning this art. Firstly, you need to learn a process, called Dream Recall, i.e., recalling a dream you had the previous night. Unless you remember a dream, you can't achieve the stage of lucid dreaming.

This is not going to be an overnight kind of process. You should keep a dream recall register to begin writing down every single detail you can recall of your dreams every day. You will find your capacity for dream call improving as you do so. Try implementing "reality checks" during your dreams to begin training your mind to be alert as you dream.

For a lot of people, hypnosis helps them to prepare their mind for lucid dreaming much more quickly. Sometimes, as few as one or two sessions may be needed to get you being able to recall all of your dreams every day. Once you can do this, you are ready to begin trying lucid dreaming.

When you are lucid dreaming, you may suddenly awake. Don't worry! Recall the details of your dream and try to go back to sleep and continue the dream in the way that you want. When you awake, you may just be surprised! If successful, your dream will have been under your control and your mind will have a new found power.

Another great way to have lucid dreams is to go back to sleep for a couple of hours after you wake up in the morning. These dreams are the closest to lucid dreams as they leave you wondering if they were actually dreams or your thoughts manifested in the form of a purported event. You can easily set an alarm to go off a couple of hours before your scheduled wake-up time. And when the alarm sounds, just wake-up, switch it off, and go to sleep in order to enjoy lucid dreams.

When trying to have lucid dreams, it is helpful to become familiar with your sleeping habits so as to be aware of the best times to try for lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming can be a helpful practice for those with sleeping troubles such as insomnia. When you are having a hard time getting to sleep, remind yourself that sleep means lucid dreaming; and your subconscious mind will make sure that you get to sleep quickly.

Up until recently learning the art of lucid dreaming was a time consuming process. However recent advances in sound technologies have made things drastically easier for anyone to experience lucid dreaming.

Binaural audio is one of the most reliable methods of getting people to have lucid dreams.

Binaural beats audio is the playing of frequencies which are slightly different from each other, one in each ear. This causes a feeling of deep relaxation and brings brain waves into the proper state for lucid dreaming.

Before binaural audio technology, meditation was the method of choice for those wanting to learn lucid dreaming, and this was a process which could sometimes take years to master. Many simply gave up, not having the determination to pursue the practice.

Particularly in conjunction with hypnotherapy, binaural sound waves can get your mind ready for lucid dreaming, sometimes as early as your first attempt! - 16890

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In It for the Long Haul: Managing Your Long-

By Edmonton Storage Guy

Even if you're a seasoned traveler, or you've made several small moves in your lifetime, making a long-distance move presents special challenges and requires careful preparation. Starting your planning well in advance of your move is the first step toward making sure it goes smoothly and disrupts your life as little as possible.

Long-distance moves are generally more costly than shorter moves. If you're driving, the fuel costs are higher, you may need to stay in hotels for several nights, and you'll be eating out every day. If you're traveling overseas, the cost to transport your belongings can be exorbitant. The farther away you're moving, the more sense it makes to really pare your possessions down to the bare essentials; it will save on packing time as well.

You may also have storage expenses if you can't take everything you own with you. Fortunately, affordable long-term storage plans are available at mini-storage facilities. Mini-storage companies can be found in nearly every city, and offer a safe and stress-free solution to what to do with your things.

If your move is going to cause you to be separated from loved ones, make the most of the time you have together before you leave. Purchase plenty of prepaid calling cards so that you can stay in touch.

Moving can be hard on children, so be sure to spend lots of time helping them prepare emotionally. Try to help them view the move as an exciting new adventure, but remember that change can be frightening to young children, so be sensitive to their feelings.

If you're moving to a foreign country, you may want to pick up some travel guides and language learning tapes while you're at the bookstore. Learning as much as you can about your new home before you get there will make things much easier for you.

Focus on the benefits of your move rather than on the effort involved. Even if you're moving out of necessity rather than by choice, new opportunities await you, so approach them with a positive attitude and the determination to make the most of them. - 16890

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Unique Article Wizard is the Hidden Source of Targeted Traffic

By Sonja Schuyler

Would you like to discover the hidden source of targeted traffic? Would you like buying customers visiting your sites? Would you like your profits to explode?

Unique Article Wizard works for any kind of online business. If you need traffic, you need the Wizard. Visit the Unique Article Wizard website for more information.

What is Unique Article Wizard? An article marketing strategy that could transform your business in a way you had only ever dreamed of. You will be amazed at just how easy it is get your website to the top of Google and attract valuable visitors to your site.

How are potential customers going to find your sites with so many competing sites on the web? Article marketing with Unique Article Wizard! Unique Article Wizard stands head and shoulders above all article submission services.

When you write an article about your niche and submit it to Unique Article Wizard, the Wizard submits a different unique version of your article to hundreds of directories, ezine publishers, announcement groups, and niche websites. No other service does this.

Unique content is important because search engines are becoming more sensitive to duplicate content. When you submit unique content on the web, search engines will find it and provide it to the searching public.

In addition to unique content, you will receive links. Correctly formatted links that point back to your website. Hundreds of links that in time become thousands and tens of thousands. Now the search engines will love you more!

With all that Unique Article Wizard offers, I am surprised it is so affordable. There is no need for expensive services, black hat tactics or buying text links. More visitors to your sites mean more credibility, more sales, and more profit for you. - 16890

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Dealing with Craft Show Blues

By Rick Amorey

There are two things that give a craftsperson the most joy - and that is making their masterpieces with their bare hands and seeing other people give their appreciation for the product. Every craftsperson will find time to manufacture their crafts. It defines who they are, after all.

But, showing them off or selling them is an entirely different matter to most. There are a lot of artisans with horror stories with this topic. Some have chosen inadequate booths to sell their wares in. But just imagine it when you have your best work in front, but nobody spares anything but a passing glance as they pass by.

There is also that unpleasant experience wherein craftspeople go through a craft show feeling that the attendees think it's nothing more than a flea market. They will stop over your booth and look over your stuff, yes, but it's never with the appreciation intended for finely crafted items. They may even try to haggle over the price, at worst. This feels like they think you and your product aren't worth that much; like cheapening your soul.

Such instances like these can truly make a craftsperson despise the normally fun idea of showing off t a craft show. For this reason, you may want to consider a relationship with a representative instead. With the help of this person, you can stick to crafting items in your home or workshop and still have your items distributed to the populace.

But, you will still have to work on getting a representative for yourself, too. You will not be able to immediately convince him or her to take on your crafts, even if you manage to find a rep. This is nothing to be alarmed about, as most reps have experienced going into business with an amateur, only to face disappointment that the items don't sell as well as they'd hoped. I'll talk about reps on my next post. - 16890

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Discount Factoring and the Tax Man

By Wade Henderson

Discount Factoring is the wave of the future in terms of Small Business Financing. Not that is was simple before, but no longer can a small business owner go into his local bank and get a Small Business Loan without having a strong history to back up the requirements of the banks.

And face it, with the economy what it has been over the last few years, fewer and few companies will fit into the banks idea of what a good customer for them is. If you happened to get in to any problems with the CRA or IRS, you need not apply

This is exactly what happened with a company in New Mexico who needed Discount Factoring to cover their payroll and tax arrears. The company had been struggling with Receivables Collections but now they are using Discount Factoring to bridge the gap in Collection times.

When the IRS or CRA get involved in the process, the deal does become more complicated for sure. The time for funding does get stretched out, but it can be done.

To satisfy the government, a proposal must be done to the agency you are dealing with along with a plan to pay off the arrears as well as keep current with future payments. Discount Factoring is very similar to what the Auto Industry is doing for their bailout financing where the government is covering many of the debts of the automakers to the Auto Suppliers in Detroit.

Next question then becomes who will handle the process to the government? If you have a Commercial Finance Broker, they will handle it. And since they will have been down this road many times, the process will go smoother. The Professional Commercial Finance Broker will handle the negotiations with the IRS or CRA on your behalf and assemble all the required documents for the process.

If your company needs additional Cashflow for supplier payments, payroll, new equipment or to pay the IRS/CRA Discount Factoring may be just what your company needs. Be sure to speak to a Professional Commercial Finance Broker to get the best program for your businessand best of all, most lenders pay the broker directly so you do not have too. - 16890

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Maximum Productivity: 5 Strategies for Efficiency

By Ann Rusnak

How can 20% add to increased productivity and less work hours for your business? 20% can make momentous impact towards the success you want to achieve.

Try These Five Strategies to Help You Increase Your Productivity

1. Attain Organization

Disorganization eats up about 7 hours o every work week. You'll get much more done if you organize your office into a productive environment. This is critical toward your long term success because your environment should spur you on, not provide hindrances at every turn.

2. Create time synergy

Schedule work effectively around your peak energy times; be perceptive to your best creative time cycles.

3. Morph Into Super-Focus Mode

Turn off the phone, email, and twitter. Allow no interruptions. Set a timer and stay 100% focused on your task. Group your tasks in bunches. Return all emails and phone calls at the same time. Do all your writing in chunks, and dedicate certain days for special projects.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Too much work can exhaust your body. When you feel good, you'll get the most out of every minute. Put your health high on your priority list, and your productivity will rise.

5. Take A Break

Great entrepreneurs have discovered the power of doing nothing. Your mind needs time to rest and process. When you feel overwhelmed, lean back and allow your thoughts wander for a few minutes. You'll feel a renewal and be able to tackle your task with more alertness and energy.

Start with one of these strategies, you'll soon find yourself accomplish much more with less effort - 16890

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3 Magical Steps For Affiliate Marketing Business Success

By Bismark Ampofo

Everyone has times when they feel tired and overwhelmed by the pressures of starting affiliate marketing business. But suppose, you've created an informative site about electric scooter. There are tens of thousands of people who search for information regarding all aspects of electrical scooter every day.

These potential prospects find your site and they like the informative content you've put on your site. They read the products you recommend and click over to check out more about those products with your affiliate link embedded in the links. When that person buys the product, you get paid your affiliate commission.

What could be easier?

Getting started is the easy part and the only time consuming step is choosing an affiliate program that you can relate to.

As a home based affiliate business owner, your job is to promote and recommend products to potential buyers. You'll find your job much easier if you already have an interest in the products you're promoting.

Here are some tips for building a successful affiliate marketing business:

1. Developing best site concept/theme

What you want to do here is to come with ideas or a topic to build your home based affiliate business around.

Preferably something you enjoy doing or your hobby. Yes, I hear you and know that by now you've probably heard this phrase "PASSION" numrous times.

Working on something you actively have fun with gives you a much higher chance of success simply because you feel passionate about what you're doing and are less likely to get bored.

2. Brainstorm most profitable topics

What you want to do here is to find a GOLDMINE from the concept you came up with. The key is to do research on your topic so you can gauge the profitability to see if its worth your time and effort to pursue your idea.

For instance, let's say your topic is "Vitamins".

This is such a broad concept that brainstorming could narrow down the focus to a niche topic within the main area, such as "cooking vegetables" or vegetable recipes, which will be a good niche idea to go after.

3. Select best related affiliate programs.

Once you've figured out what your niche is, it's time to research suitable affiliate programs.

When you start researching, you'll be amazed at the massive amount of affiliate programs that are available, covering almost every possible topic you can think of.

Check out some affiliate manager sites like or paydotcom or commission junction and you'll see what I mean.

Imperative Tools

In addition to the tools that the company gives, you will need your own website for advertising purposes so you can pre-sell before sending visitors to the merchant's website. This way you can track your progress and gauge profitability.

It is recommended to get a domain name too so your website will appear original to your visitors, which in turn will help boost your search engine marketing. Usually a domain comes free if you purchase from a good web host.

An auto-responder is also and excellent addition to your business tools as it allows you to keep in contact with your visitors and let them know about any other good affiliate programs you find.

You may not understand, it may not have been shown to you. However, remember the next step is to take this strategies and apply to your affiliate marketing business. Make the decision to let go of the old so you can boost your success and profits with what you just learn. - 16890

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What a fantastic venture the import export business is

By Neil Baulch

A really interesting career field, which many people don't talk about, is that of the import-exporter. If you are wondering whether import-export is as glamorous as it sounds, then I'm here to answer your question. Don't worry! It is! What other career is going to let you jet off to another country several times a year, meet tons of other people, and see the way other cultures live. Import- export is a very lucrative, exciting and wonderful business, but one where there are many risks too.

Lots of people work in import-export in one way or another, and there are special characteristics that only pertain to this type of business. There are weather conditions, ecological conditions, and cultural conditions that will affect the success of your business.

Your success as an import-exporter will depend on the product you work with, who you work with and the financial ability you have in the country you trade with.

Your Marketing Strategies

The way you sell your product will depend on the cultural beliefs and buying ability of the importing country. Every nation has different marketing necessities which are influenced by a country's cultural believes and purchasing power.

Government Policy

When you deal in import-export, you also need to deal with the country's export trade policy, so you need to find out what those are, and whether you qualify to meet those policies or not. You can learn about these from their federal trade commission. Most countries have websites, or you can visit their offices in the federal capital.

When it comes to importation policy, the same rules and regulations apply. These change form country to country, and depend on factors that influence the product you are dealing with, whether that be agricultural regulations or trade regulations.


If you are in the import-export business then you will also have to learn about transportation. You will need to know which is the fastest, but most expensive form of transportation, and which is the slowest, but most economical. Some times you will even have to be a little creative in the way you get a product to a client. You may have to use transportation methods not generally used, but still very effective.

Any business holds a great deal of responsibility, and Import-export is no different, but it is still a wonderful business, one that is full of adventure. To be successful in import-export you have to be open to different customs and people and you have to use creative communication methods. It is an interesting and different career, one that will bring new challenges to your life. - 16890

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What Features Should You Look For When Buying a Phone

By William Normski

Before you think about buying a new cell phone there are a couple of key features that you need to keep in mind beforehand. As you may already know there are new phones on the market almost on a weekly basis. With these new phones comes new features but aren't these features a benefit to you.

Smart phones allow us to keep in constant contact using e-mail, Internet, SMS, MMS and blogging software for example. Being able to keep in touch with e-mail if you are on the road or out of the office is an essential part of doing business for many people.

One of the first things that you need to be aware of is when you start to look for a new contract plan that no matter how good the offer seems you need to make sure that this is of benefit to you. There is no point having a plan that gives you XYZ but you are really only looking for X.

One of the best bits of advice you can get is to first of all sit down with your current bills and look true to see what type of calls you are making. It's also important to note what time of day you are making most of your calls. This will help determine which is the best plan you should go for and also give you the information to hand to help you get the best deal that suits your needs.

If most of your calls are in the evening and at weekends you are in a really good position to get a good deal and better pricing. If however most of your calls are during the daytime or business hours you are then going to be paying a higher premium on your contract. So it's essential that you have the information to hand as to what you use the phone for. And the emphasis here is on you and not what the cell phone networks have to offer.

One option is to look for a SIM free phone. With this you can use it to on any network carrier by simply placing your current SIM card into the phone. One of the biggest problems with sim free phones is that they can be quite expensive, as they are not subsidized like what you get when you sign for a contract plan.

Another option is to check the availability on eBay, you'll find that some people sell secondhand phones on the website. You will also be able to get a clear understanding of the price because most popular phones will be on sale and you can compare pricing on what is available. You need to make sure that the particular phone you're looking at is not locked to a different network carrier than the one you are using. The last thing you need to do is to have two unlock the phone that you have just purchased this can be an extra cost. When buying from eBay make sure that you deal with somebody with good feedback and that you are comfortable that they can answer all your questions before.

A local newspaper may also be an option for you to check out. The fact that it is local may also give you the option to test this out before you purchase. If you do meet someone face-to-face and also have the ability to negotiate on the price. - 16890

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Monday, May 25, 2009

How Cost-Per-Click (CPC) In AdWords Affects AdSense

By Nelson Tan

Despite the so-called "Death of AdSense" (which happens to be a smart marketing ploy), there are still a few good success stories. At least, the marketers who carry the right beliefs within them know what they are doing to persevere and achieve desired results.

One of these correct beliefs is knowing how bid pricing works. Generally speaking:

1) If there are not enough ads to go around, that particular niche is too small to try.

2) If the "general economy" of the ads is rather low, avoid the niche too. That's why there are high-paying keywords and low-paying ones.

3) If one site performs better than a similar one in AdSense clickthrough rates, that site will be served better paying and better performing ads. That's how smart pricing works.

We're sure Google has many secretive and subtle metrics to disqualify junk sites and the corporation insists on surrounding itself with webmasters who are committed to providing quality work.

Going back to point 2), no matter how genuine sites are in providing valuable content, webmasters need to know something about the state of the competition related to a supposedly high-paying keyword.

There is a general belief that "certain keywords pay highly" (granted), like bankruptcy, cancer, lawyers etc., but without research to back them up, such a belief does not stand on a foundation.

Google does not take from AdWords advertisers the maximum bid price they put in their account; this is important to recognize. For example, the first-placed ad may have a max. bid of $12, but the max. bid of the second-placed ad stands at only $2. The top advertiser does not always have to fork out $12 to maintain his ad in first place. Google Advertising works such that it has a sliding scale for the bidding process.

In other words, you bid on the keyword 'bankruptcy' and you decide that it is only worth $1.95 but you are willing to pay up to $12 against your competition. Then one day, your closest competitor's bid is $2. Google will ante up 6 more cents on your behalf to keep you in the top position and continue to do so for as long as you can afford up to $12. Google sets these special perimeters when they set the account up for that keyword.

That means Google can only pay AdSense publishers as much as the next highest existing bid price. Then again, as you do your keyword research, Google only shows average CPC as the real numbers change dynamically. So it is crucial for publishers to appreciate the bid pricing gap between 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th-placed bidders to make an educated guess of how much they will be paid for certain AdSense ads.

With all that being said, AdSense is very much alive and well. The AdSense program is just an attractive incentive to make AdWords advertisers happy that their ads will be spread out with the help of publishers. Google Inc. can take down AdSense; it's their choice, but it's not helpful. Honestly, it's the publishers' fault that they abuse the system so the company fine-tune it...meaning, make sure the distribution of earnings is better deserved and justified to esteemed publishers. - 16890

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Filing a Trademark - Steps To Take

By Caressa Waechter

Business owners use trademarks to protect their brands, their names and their businesses. Trademarks are used to distinguish their businesses and services from others and to protect the private rights of a person or company on a particular logo, image and name. They are used for products and can protect a particular product or a line, a tagline, a design and a slogan. Registering a trademark is a quite time consuming process, although today the easiest way to file a trademark is to use the USPTO website.

Once the logo is designed you need to put it on the display and products that compound your business. Then you need to start the process of registering it. When you register your marks you are granted private rights to the images and logo, which are considered your intellectual property. If someone else tries to use the same or a replica of your marks then you have the right to sue him.

In order to fill out the pertinent application you need to visit the USPTO website and locate the link that takes you to online applications. The process is quite easy and hassle-free. You will be asked to illustrate the marks and list the date when you started using the particular trademark. You will also need to select the classification of your marks and then choose the subcategory that applies to your business and mark the best.

You will have to include the actual image and information on the use; the cost of the application is $325. Of course, not all trademarks are accepted; once you file your application it will be evaluated for registration.

If the trademark necessities are met you will get your registration within a year from the day you submitted the application. - 16890

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How Social Media Marketing Is An Easy Way To Drive Traffic?

By Raam Anand

Social networking is hot right now. Social media marketing is also known as social networking. There are many new social sites springing up every week online. These sites are very popular and are filled with people who are online 24/7 around the world. Social media marketing allows you to get your website information into places where it can be viewed by thousands or even millions of people.

Social media that are used for marketing include web sites and groups that have content which is produced mainly by users as opposed to the website owner. Social media sites include sites such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn among others. You can use these social network sites to help promote and bring attention to your website.

Similar to SEO on typical sites, social media marketing sites use SMO also called social media optimization. SMO is just like search engine optimization on regular websites. Social media sites are any sites that use frequent postings by users rather than owners of the site. This lets people have control over what they like and what they don't.

The best way to use social media services is by using special links to these services. Some of the most common links include Reddit, and Digg. There are others as well. These help you to save and submit pages to social media networks. Not only can people view your information but they can then easily pass it along to others for viewing.

The idea of social media marketing is not difficult to understand. When you are ready to post information that other people want to see you can post it to these social sites. They have so many users that many people will most likely view your video or other clip. When your video clip is viewed by millions of people it is said to be "viral". This simply stated means that your video clip is overwhelmingly popular. The most popular viral videos even end up on TV.

Even if your video doesn't go viral it can still pull in plenty of viewers. Viewers will link to your site so you will instantly increase traffic to your website. Increased traffic will usually equate to more sales and profits. You'll want your videos to be easily passed around to other users so that they will become more popular. As the buzz builds around a video it will help to bring your company name into the forefront.

Here are the most popular areas to try social media marketing: Blogging Social Networking sites Forum posting White papers and Press releases Twitter Video sites

To get the most from social media marketing you need to get onto as many of these types of sites as possible. The more of them you use the more you'll be increasing the odds of people visiting your site and making purchases. Since posting to these sites is free you can easily do as much of it as possible. You are limited only by the time it takes you to make the posts. You will only need to create the online posting items including copy or videos to prepare them to put on the Internet.

You can hire an SEO company or online marketing company to provide social media marketing for you. They will be able to write any content needed and can easily post it for you in all the most popular online sites. When new sites or types of media become available your marketing company will be aware of them and can quickly post to them for you.

Social media marketing is a great addition to your current online marketing plan and should be utilized. This type of online marketing is very inexpensive to use but can provide excellent results in the form of increased traffic and sales to your site. - 16890

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Managing Programme Benefits and Outcomes

By Rob Llewellyn

The management of benefits and outcomes is sometimes light on the ground in many programmes of work. This is not wise when considering the fundamental reason for beginning a programme is to realise benefits and outcomes through change; whether it is to do things in a new way or to do things that will influence others to change.

The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in the UK has MSP principles which include strong emphasis on Benefits Management (BM) with the following keys stages covered off:

A Benefits Management Process

The Benefits Management Strategy

Identifying Benefits

Quantifying Benefits

Benefit Profiles

The Modelling of Benefits

Benefits Realisation Plan

Reviewing Benefit Realisation

The Responsibilities for Benefits Managements

As benefits are the quantification of the change delivered by the programme, they should be used to help direct and make decisions throughout the course of the programme.

During the course of our Programme Management roles we will have determined the critical measures and indicators of success and made arrangements to ensure the programme remains appropriate and on track to deliver the intended outcomes and benefits.

We should continue to check that:

- The planned outcomes remain realistically achievable;

- The planned outcomes are not changed in scope, relationship or value;

- All the main stakeholders remain committed and confident that outcomes will be achieved when planned;

- The plan for achieving outcomes is being managed effectively;

- The plan is monitored against agreed performance measures/key performance indicators and any problems resolved promptly.

Where key benefits have been identified, such as increased efficiency or more effective service delivery, these should be actively managed in the same way. You must be able to define exactly what a benefit will deliver in a way that can be measured, within realistic timescales, costs and risks. Each benefit must be linked to planned outcomes and each benefit must be assigned to an owner who is accountable for its realisation.

For major programmes, there is likely to be a business change manager coordinating benefits realisation on behalf of the business areas owning the benefits. - 16890

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Different Types of Voicemail Services

By Caressa Waechter

There are many different voice mail service that offer voice mail solutions for individuals and businesses that are a service that offers a digital way to access your messages. These are basically a virtual office that has a phone number, and auto attendant that can transfer live calls to you. You can also use the service for voice mail and faxes.

Then there are more advanced services that are designed specifically to be used by medium and small businesses. It is possible to receive your calls using your phone, Internet device or through e-mail. They offer you the ability to get a virtual phone number from many locations around the country and has many different call management options. They also offer fax services as the faxes are forwarded onto your e-mail.

Many voice mail services offer a variety of voice mail packages that include a monthly fee, the numbers of minutes allowed, the number of extra minutes, a toll free number, an additional number option, and a vanity toll free number. Many times you will have one number that provides you with four different services such as redirection, hotline, voice mail and virtual personal assistant.

Hotline services, redirection, personal assistant and voice mail can all be accessed through one number. A virtual personal assistant handles most services including fax, status mode, call forwarding and on hold music. Redirection will forward your call to another number. This tends to me used most when your line is busy and the call will then be forwarded onto a voice mail system.

Voice over IP phones are also another popular system that offers voice mail. There are huge calling systems that works completely online. It is possible to do video calling, call from your computer to a phone and vice versa. Voicemail service is available when you subscribe to a voice over IP phone service. - 16890

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Small Business Advice That Can Guard Your Business

By Gilbert Summs Gilbert Semms Gilbert Samms Gilbert Somms

Yet although small business breakdown rates have always been soaring, minute industries use almost half of the United States private segment. And these distressed fiscal times are not making things any simpler. No matter what period your company is in, whether you're a start-up or have been around for many decades, it may be helpful to study some articles about small business advice. Many of these steps are proactive behavior to operate your business and help ensure its survival.

First, shelter yourself from legal responsibility. Look into filing articles of association as a limited liability company (LLC) in your area. Even though the formalities might be straightforward, the tax implications may not be; it's good to find some legal counsel. An additional structure of shield from legal responsibility is on paper agreements.

This piece of instruction in presenting your clientele with a contract is more than just professionalism; it is a declaration of your practices and/or an understanding amid those involved that clarifies the services you put forward. It doesn't need to be elaborate in order to be effective. Not to mention, insure your business. You could be astounded at how little it will be for this tranquility of mind.

An additional level of safety is how you take care of your cash. You might already have an accountant who does your taxes. However, if you happen to be familiar with tax deductions and the yearly changes in tax codes, you might obtain additional payback. Secondly, do not co-mingle your individual and company accounts. Provide a distinct company credit card and keep the IRS pleased by not using it for individual expenditures. A surprising piece of normal small business advice for start-up ventures is to comprise at least six months' worth of resources in the bank. Even when you're reputable, having these extra resources can get you past a sudden recession.

The third level of defense has to do with citizens. Checking the references of the people you want to hire and gaining their acceptance for a background check will be time well spent. And it may be helpful to have autonomous contractors rather than workers. Confront your financial adviser and read the IRS website regarding the differences and ramifications between the two.

The last level of guarding has to do with making a name for yourself. In this Internet period, some fine small business advice is to get a significant site domain, and obtain it before someone makes you pay for it. Also, if you produce merchandise, think about a copyright or a patent, whichever best fits your desires.

In conclusion, if you were proactive and things occur outside of your power, analyze the damage, secure the damage, and have the confidence to know you can continue on. Stay on top of what's available around you via the media. The style of education you get could come from lessons and training from the down falls around you as well as the achievements. - 16890

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ESD Workbenches: Right Solution for Your ESD Problems

By OnePointe Solutions

ESD workbenches are important implements that can eliminate the damage caused by electrostatic discharge. As you may know, ESD can wreak havoc on electronic components, obliterate magnetic media contents, and even ignite fire in highly inflammable materials. For these very reasons, manufacturers of electronic products require workstations that can significantly reduce ESD in the assembly lines. Also, some countries have strict laws that regulate the amount of ESD in electronic products. So, it is imperative that manufacturers protect their products from electrostatic transference.

ESD workbenches have been carefully designed to address all problems relating to electrostatic discharge in the production area and other places where electronic devices and parts are manufactured or assembled. One of the main features fitted in such a workbench that can eliminate ESD on the production line is the grounding system. Naturally, if you want to protect devices from static discharge, you have to find a way to channel its flow away from your products or the assembly area itself.

Another thing that makes these workbenches effective in canceling out static is the ESD laminate, which is an important layer on the workbench that can dispel any static discharge. In case the laminate and the grounding system don't work, these workbenches also have provisions for static-eliminating wrist straps that workers wear when they are handling electronic equipment and parts.

But this does not mean that existing electronics manufacturing companies need to get a new layout for their assembly areas. Workbenches that can dissipate ESD are highly customizable, which means they can be built according to any specification. So, even if you are just starting to equip your production area or laboratory with anti-static work stations, you do not have to worry about rebuilding your place from scratch.

Apart from flexibility, another feature that makes ESD workbenches a good investment is that their parts can be easily changed and upgraded. If your benches are worn out, you do not have to buy new sets. Just replace parts that are damaged and overused and you will already have a bench that is as good as new. This can truly spell a lot of savings for your company, especially if your production line is huge.

While it may seem that these workbenches are sensitive to any electrical transference, most ESD work stations are actually tough in the production workplace. These work furniture have heavy duty supports and beams. Some can even hold up to a thousand pounds of weight. - 16890

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