Thursday, May 14, 2009

Like Frownies? This will work too (and cheaper!)

By Ageless Women

These wondrous brown paper "tapes" that help you de-wrinkle are great. Many love them, but they can they expensive. If you use two (or more) a day, pretty soon you've ripped through a box of them at a pretty price of $20.00.

I use medical tape! I started out using the flexible plastic tape (waterproof, it holds on gauze bandages) and now also use the thin paper tape.

Get yourself the clear, plastic waterproof kind. This stuff works great (at least on non-sensitive skin) and is a perfect version for budget beauties.

Tear off, or cut, the tape into the desired size. Place it over the high-end cream and pat it down. It will stick unless you've serious over-moisturized. You can use it on creases or deep lines. You can sleep with them on. Also, unlike the Frownies, you cannot really see this clear tape so it's a bit more invisible than Frownies.

Then take a piece of tape, put a dab of deeply concentrated anti-wrinkle cream on the spot where you put the tape, put the tape over it (your don't even need to rub in the cream).

The tape will help push the product into the skin a bit more since it won't evaporate. Having this extra bit of cream will help the tape lift off easily the next morning (if you wear them overnight) or whenever you take it off.

Avoid using this tape around the eyes. It may make you tear up or cause problems (especially if you're very sensitive). Stay about a 1/4 inch away and use common sense. Removal is easy, but take care. Wash your face or splash with water several times to soften the tape and it will slip right off without a problem. It works! - 16890

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