There are literally hundreds of proven ways to make money online. Each has its unique advantages and disadvantages and I have come to realize that their is something on the internet for just about everyone. I personally prefer to get out there and interact and build friendships with others.
Some opportunities require more interaction with people than do others. I have found that opportunities that require more interaction with other people to be more rewarding but that's not the case for everyone. In any business, your level of dedication and consistency is going to be the most important factor to your success.
I'll share briefly what I believe to be the advantages and disadvantages of both of these lanes and let you decide. On the more transactional side you have affiliate marketing and on the interactive side you have online direct sales and network marketing (MLM).
In affiliate marketing, there is a great sense of independence and opportunity to set your business on auto-pilot. It doesn't mean there isn't hard work to be put in, but in many instances once you get up and running you can automate or outsource many of the details.
The downside to this could be if you are working from home alone you may become rather lonely and withdrawn. You could also lose focus or motivation if you aren't someone that works well alone. Interacting in forums and social networking can reduce some of the isolation associated with this model.
Now in a direct sales or network marketing (MLM) you are building teams and helping other build teams and so on. The friendships and business relationships built in this environment are great and can get with your personal growth and the overall development of your business.
The downside to MLM and direct sales model is the high level of attrition. Most networkers or direct sales agents don't last beyond the ninety day point. With a strong focus on quality recruiting this can be minimized but never eliminated requiring a constant need to recruit new members.
The bottom line is there is no perfect business but there just may be a perfect business for you. Depending on what your personal strengths and desires are,the internet has an opportunity that's right for you. In the end, the name of this game is marketing, marketing and more marketing for solid qualified prospects to seek you out. Once you have this basic skill mastered yo can write your own ticket on the net.
Targeted web traffic is the secret ghost in the machine that drives every internet based business on the planet. Best of luck in choosing the right business model for you and much success. - 16890
Some opportunities require more interaction with people than do others. I have found that opportunities that require more interaction with other people to be more rewarding but that's not the case for everyone. In any business, your level of dedication and consistency is going to be the most important factor to your success.
I'll share briefly what I believe to be the advantages and disadvantages of both of these lanes and let you decide. On the more transactional side you have affiliate marketing and on the interactive side you have online direct sales and network marketing (MLM).
In affiliate marketing, there is a great sense of independence and opportunity to set your business on auto-pilot. It doesn't mean there isn't hard work to be put in, but in many instances once you get up and running you can automate or outsource many of the details.
The downside to this could be if you are working from home alone you may become rather lonely and withdrawn. You could also lose focus or motivation if you aren't someone that works well alone. Interacting in forums and social networking can reduce some of the isolation associated with this model.
Now in a direct sales or network marketing (MLM) you are building teams and helping other build teams and so on. The friendships and business relationships built in this environment are great and can get with your personal growth and the overall development of your business.
The downside to MLM and direct sales model is the high level of attrition. Most networkers or direct sales agents don't last beyond the ninety day point. With a strong focus on quality recruiting this can be minimized but never eliminated requiring a constant need to recruit new members.
The bottom line is there is no perfect business but there just may be a perfect business for you. Depending on what your personal strengths and desires are,the internet has an opportunity that's right for you. In the end, the name of this game is marketing, marketing and more marketing for solid qualified prospects to seek you out. Once you have this basic skill mastered yo can write your own ticket on the net.
Targeted web traffic is the secret ghost in the machine that drives every internet based business on the planet. Best of luck in choosing the right business model for you and much success. - 16890
About the Author:
Don't spend hard earned money to get traffic to your site before you watch the Craigslist Blackhat Video Box.
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