Thursday, November 27, 2008

How Will You Know You've Reached Your Goals?

By Mr WebbyFied

A lot of us tend to start out in the direction of goals, never quite knowing exactly what it is that we want, and how we'll know once we have it.

That seems a little reckless don't you think? You wouldn't drive somewhere with no destination, would you? Is that even possible? Driving somewhere, and not driving anywhere? You would just wander until the gas tank ran on empty, or until you wound up somewhere close to what you had in mind, but not quite it.

That is just like in life, and just like in business.

If you have no idea where it is that you're heading you probably aren't getting anywhere. You must give yourself a target to shoot for. You have to know that you want what it is that you want because it will allow you to spend time with your children, and to go on vacation with your family whenever you want, not because you just want to "be happy".

You need to have that future, that destination, created so you can actually get there eventually.

It might sound nuts, but it makes perfect sense. If you don't have a clear idea in mind, how will you know if the tasks you are doing every day are moving you towards, or away from your vision?

You can not.

You can not possibly expect to create the life you desire if you have no idea what that life is.

Don't worry if you don't have an exact blueprint of how you're going to get there at this point. You just need a picture of that final objective that will keep you moving in that direction and not so many others at once.

What should that picture look like?

It is all up to you, and only you. You know what pushes your buttons and what drives you to get things done, so you have to decide how that picture appears to you. There are some pointers you will want to keep in mind when making that image.

You first have to get to the essence of your goal. Discover why it is that you desire what you want. The more specific you get, the better.

After that, with you goal in mind, start asking yourself how you will know you have reached your goal. You might see yourself checking your bank statement that has grown exponentially, or you see yourself taking a trip in a private jet with the kids and wife. Whatever this image is, see it vividly.

If you do just these two steps you will achieve more than you ever thought you could. Instead of moving in a million directions at once, you will force all of that energy towards one objective.

Check out our site and sign up for our mailing list to receive our awesome guide on 5 Steps To Taking Action and Being Successful!

Until then, take the Red Pill, and see me in the morning. - 16890

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