Monday, November 24, 2008

Youth Basketball Coaching

By Gary Pearson

Are you looking for a new hobby? Perhaps you would be interest in something that enriches the lives of others. This is what I think about coaching youth basketball. There is really nothing like working with young people to help them build their self-esteem and get good exercise too.

Even if you have no training or history when it comes to coaching basketball you can still do this. There are many charity groups who will help give you a hand. All you need is a few hours a week and a patient attitude with kids and you will do great.

The great thing about youth basketball coaching is you can, with very little experience or background in sports, be the one to keep kids away from bad or dangerous influences in their lives. It is a scary world out there, what with crime, drugs, and all manner of other temptations which plague our youth today. Why, when I was a kid, we did not even know what drugs were. But anyway, using youth basketball coaching - especially when working with a good, well organized community center - you can help kids to say no to crime, drugs, and any other dangerous or destructive influences in their lives. You have to see it to believe it. The difference it makes is amazing.

A few of the kids we have coached have told us there stories, and I honestly believe that if they hadn't got involved with basketball they may likely be in jail or dead. For them, basketball becomes like an obsession that fills in the gaps in their lives. If they were to continue with the drugs or the crime then they know they would miss out on their favorite game, so they quit doing the illegal stuff and concentrate on basketball instead.

Even if you know nothing about basketball there is still no reason for you to not become a youth basketball coach. Simply buy or rent some self-teaching videos and books, and see if your local community centre offers any training programs. In no time you will be out there helping make a positive influence on some kid's lives. Believe me, it's well worth giving up a few nights in front of the TV. - 16890

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