Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ignorance Is Bliss

By Maurice Taitt

We've all heard the saying, "Ignorance is bliss." Yet, is it really? And even if we can have it, is it really worth it? In fact, even though "ignorance" can be "bliss," it may be pretty expensive for us, in many ways. Why?

Because, as another saying goes, life is not always fair.

Several years ago, I got a traffic ticket because a new law had gone into effect a few months earlier. The police officer that gave me the ticket didn't care that I didn't know about the new law. To him, that wasn't relevant at all. Why? Because there's also the well-known fact that just because you might not know about a law, it doesn't mean you're not responsible for it. In that case, ignorance is definitely NOT bliss. In fact, it can be pretty expensive and stressful!

Now common sense would dictate that you should try to keep up with developments in the world around you. However, as I see it, it appears that people are actually being discouraged from thinking for themselves; sometimes passively, sometimes actively.

Several of the print and audiovisual media appear to have a strong bias toward creating the news rather than reporting the news. As should be clearly evident from recent and current activities in the mortgage lending business, the stock market and various and sundry financial bailouts, many leaders should not be trusted to report the truth. Frequently, the truth has been told but it has not been the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, leaving us to arrive at the wrong conclusion, because parts of the truth were omitted. Politicians worldwide have become the undisputed experts at telling part of the truth to lead us to their desired conclusion.

This phenomenon of lack of independent thought, has made its presence known in virtually all aspects of our lives. I have personally experienced this when I have questioned a request for documentation. My request has usually been greeted with a dismissive response such as: "its company policy" or "this is what the computer says to do". In rebuttal, I have asked: "Do you know the reason for this policy? I am sure there has to be reason." To that, the usual response is: "I don't know" along with a vacant facial expression that says: "I don't care to know." When I have rebutted: "the computer says" excuse with the statement that: "computers do not usually program themselves, they are programmed by people", I have received the equally vacant and uninterested response.

Ignorance is not bliss - or if it is, it can be a very expensive thing indeed. Ignorance can even kill you. We've all heard the stories of people who have died due to drug interactions which they were unaware of. I was prescribed a drug some years ago - upon looking into the drug, I found that one of the possible side effects of this drug was leukemia! Since the cure was far worse than the disease, I refused to take the drug. One can also look at the tragedy of Jonestown to see the fatal effects of ignorance and failing to think for oneself.

Scammers, too, thrive on ignorance because those who fall victim have been too trusting in their ignorance. In some cases, these victims were the targets of serious crimes, even murder. So, take a look at your own life. If you have areas of "blissful ignorance" that might be costing you more than you know, be aware of them. Or, discover them if you don't know what they are. Above all, stay aware, and keep an open, questioning mind and an attitude of discovery. Ignorance isn't always bliss, and in fact it can cost you very dearly. - 16890

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Arkansas Craft Shows: Your Hobby, Your Business

By Alix Montoya

If you are one of the millions of hobbyists that spend a good deal of time making sure every detail of your product is the best that it can be, then you'll be happy to know that there are many people who share your passion for arts and crafts. And they're all getting together in crafting fairs and festivals in Arkansas today!

It's trade shows like these that are the best way for businessmen who keep a hobby, or hobbyists who want to become businessmen, to start a whole new world of opportunities for themselves. There are increasing numbers of people who are slowly appreciating the extra income that shows like these afford them and the best part is, anybody can be a part of it.

But hold your horses! Starting a business, crafts or not, is always full of risks and you definitely don't want to get caught up in a whirlwind of problems even before you can start. Fortunately, there are people who are willing to help you with the best thing you'll need to be prepared: information.

You might be thinking that you need to scramble for the phones and drop a line to the experts just to get behind the scenes information about the latest crafting shows in Arkansas, actually you don't have to. Because now there are available resources on the Internet that can give you everything you need.

Dates and times, venues and contest rules, entrance and application fees, all these are available from helpful from an Arkansas crafting trade fairs and festivals database and all you need to do is find a service. And it's easy too, just Google a couple of keywords and your on your way to becoming an event expert.

But don't just take my word for it. Go try it for yourself, you'll never know what the future holds unless you grab your doilies, homemade cookies, or whatever it is that you love, and head on down to the nearest Arkansas crafts show and make a name for yourself in the world of crafting fairs and festivals. - 16890

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Never Tell Your Child We Cant Afford It Again!

By Christina Helwig

The words We Cant Afford It sets up a lack and limitation mindset in your childs psyche. They get a little achy feeling inside and never really understand why the family cant afford something. Your child will start the process of holding themselves back from things they want based on your words. This mentality also sets up lack and limitation in your own mind. You instantly cut yourself off from ideas and solutions to a cash crunch. Inside your subconscious mind you blame yourself for not being able to fulfill your childs wants and dreams. The only thing that can come out of this statement is a negative feeling: for both you and your child. I suggest that you approach these delicate situations with two tricks that will work wonders if you let them.

Helpful Hint #1: Sit Down With Your Child And Show Them Your Budget

Yes, that's right I said show them your budget. This of course infers that you actually have a budget. If you do not have a budget use a spreadsheet program and make one after you finish reading this article. Include everything you spend money on during an average month. Dont forget to average in things like hair cuts, school clothes and car insurance that you pay every few months or so. It is also very important to include fun in your budget. You spend money on movies, eating out, lattes and toys for the kids anyway right? Lastly when creating your budget include a savings plan and a cushion for unexpected items.

You might have a problem with the budget. You might already be running at a negative amount. At the very least this process will allow you to see how much in the red you are each month so that you can apply helpful hint #2 below to fill-in the gap. Your budget should be realistic and you should execute it each month. If you consistently outspend your budget in certain areas like food, you need to either stick to your plan or increase that area of spending.

Explaining A Budget To Your Child

Budgets are typically something that a child under the age of 13 might have a hard time grasping. You will need to improvise with them and put the budget into terms they can understand. Depending on their age, get a bag of M&Ms and use that to discuss the budget. Have them count the number of M&Ms in the bag and then write it on a piece of paper. Once they have done this tell them how many M&Ms you pay in rent each month. Then have your child push those into a circle on a piece of paper with rent written inside it. Continue with this process until you have worked through your budget [or a minor version of it] and have run out of M&Ms.

When it comes time to talk about the toy, lesson or other item that your child wants talk to them about how much the thing costs. Tell them that it costs X M&Ms and that for this month you have already used your M&Ms up. This sounds silly but they will understand it. Show them which categories you absolutely must put M&Ms into each month like rent, gas, and utilities. Then show them the discretionary categories that you spend in. Show them that if the family gives up cable then they can have the toy they want and vice versa. Ask your child if they prefer to have t.v. for the month or the toy etc. If you are truly struggling make the choice dramatic. But keep the game fun. Never make them feel bad for wanting to have the things they want. Tell your child they can have them but either they have to save for them or give up something else for a little while.

Helpful Hint #2: Think Up Ways You Can Afford It With Your Child

The next exercise you should do with your child is sit down and brainstorm on ways you can afford what they want. Make sure you discuss all the trade-offs involved and have them do the bulk of the work to acquire the item. This will build pride and self-confidence in your child. They also might reevaluate whether they actually want the toy in the first place. Some well placed chores to earn an allowance can get rid of the I want it, I want It syndrome that seems never ending.

Some of your brainstorming can include your child mowing lawns, doing gardening for the neighbors, completing extra chores, babysitting or otherwise taking an active role to earn money to pay for the item. You can also tell your child that you will match them dollar for dollar for any money they earn to acquire the thing they want.

Lastly, continue to discuss trade-offs that you can make. Can you cut out things from your budget that are really not helping you. Maybe eat out one less time a month or work a few extra hours of overtime? Taking these measures will not only help your child, it will help you get some breathing room in your budget so that you are not stressed and financially unstable.

Your brainstorming session should definitely include ways that you too can earn some extra money. Maybe you can joint babysit with your child and you give them a portion of the money you earn for helping. There are always people looking for help. While some jobs might not be the most desirable they get you to where you want to be and will help you provide the life you want to give your family.

Open Up to Possibility

These two processes will help you and your child think of positive ways to change a situation. Your child will learn to focus on possibility and will not focus on limitation or what they cant have. Often their little minds will come up with things you never thought of to make something work. You as a parent will have a better understanding of what is really important to them. Maybe the soccer lessons are not as much fun anymore for the child and they would rather have a new bike to play with their friends or a designer jacket to fit in better at school.

Youll never know the answers to these questions until you sit down with them and let them tell you what they want. It is critically important to discuss finances with a child at a young age. Too many of our young adults are going through college and life saddled with debt and limitations because no one wanted to talk about money when they were young. Talk about it, make it a priority and change your familys perception about money and what is possible in life. Its only when we take active steps to counter a situation that it improves and we grow. - 16890

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Use Marketing Articles To Become A Recognized Expert

By Rob Metras

When you write articles about something that you know inside and out, it will show that you are intelligent and people will want to pay attention more to what you are saying. This will also have potential customers more willing to buy something since they think an expert is the creator.

When you write marketing articles you should think about the reader. Give them valuable information and specific details that would be useful to them. Some of these details will allow them to realize what they should be doing. Once the read the article allow them to call or request additional information.

Keep in mind that advertising also takes place in the real world, not just online. Since your most in depth advertising will be online, simply refer everyone to the website or location of an online article rather than shoving it down there throats when they really donat have the time.

One way to connect with the readers is to tell them what they want to know. Donat beat around the bush and act conspicuous. Just give them the details that will give the best knowledge for their decision. For instance, if you sell solar equipment, then you should give them precise estimates as to how much it will cost and how much it will save in the long run.

Once youave made up an advertising campaign with the use of online articles, you will need to attract as much traffic as possible. An easy way to do this is to use keywords that related directly to your business. This way, when people use popular search engines, your products and articles will come up on their search results.

Inserting links to other websites with similar product into your writing is a nice way to give readers more information. It would be a good idea to own one of those websites that you refer to in your article so they can visit it and get additional information. Using Search Engine Optimization services or SEO is another service you may want to consider.

It is very important that you carefully define the niche you want to dominate in such a way that it really separates you from others. Real estate is a good example of extensive niche marketing. There are even niches within a niche. There are recreation and second home properties which are often further broken down into beachfront homes, beachfront condos, golf properties, mountain properties, ski properties, lakeside properties, horse properties and even properties for automobile collectors. If you have the knowledge and market it properly using the power of internet marketing online advertising you can own your niche.

To summarize
a Define your niche
a Present yourself as the expert
a Make it easy for people and search engines to find you on the web
a Make sure your keywords and phrases are consistent and plentiful
a Consider using SEO services and links to other websites - 16890

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Citibank Business Credit Cards For the Small Business Owner

By Caressa Waechter

If you are an entrepreneur, chances are you are going to need to have a business credit card. It is not a wise choice to use your own personal credit cards for expenses your business has, as you are required to separate your business expenses from your personal expenses.

The number of uses you will find for your business credit card are pretty much limitless. These include paying for travel expenses, paying company bills online, and entertaining clients.

One of the leading issuers of credit cards for business is CitiBank with their CitiBusiness card. When you have a CitiBusiness credit card, you have a credit card that is made especially for the small business owner.

Since you have the opportunity to get additional cards for your employees, and set the amount of credit for each card, CitiBusiness puts you in the drivers seat when it comes to your business finances. They provide online account management that gives you the ability to view all of the card charges, view statements online, and otherwise have complete control of your CitiBusiness credit card account.

With their business credit cards with low interest rates, they will have a card that meets your needs. Citibank is often running special introductory rates for a certain length of time, which really allows you to control your cash flow during the set period.

CitiBusiness rewards programs with some of their business credit cards. With one of these credit cards you earn a set number of points for every dollar you put on the card. You will have several different choices on how to redeem your points, so you won't be stuck with just one redemption method.

When you own a small business, you really need to have at least one credit card that is the name of your company. This lets you maintain complete separation of personal and business expenses, while giving you the ability to track business spending.

Every business could use a credit card, so it is a wise decision to have a credit card that is specifically intended for business use. The CitiBusiness credit cards are a great choice as far as business credit cards are concerned. CitiBusiness cards offer some useful benefits for the entrepreneur, so you really ought to look into their cards for your business. - 16890

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Learn How To Drive Traffic To Your Website For Free

By Jon Rognerud

Create an offer with easy access. Easy access to a whitepaper, a recent study or poll within your industry that give useful information can be a great way to start. Get the firstname and email address, and make sure to send it immediately via an autoresponder. Aweber is a great system, but there are many out there.

One way to impact your results positively is META tags, for example. They are HTML codes that get placed at the top of your web page, and are very important. Keep in mind, however, that your META tags must match the content of your page or they will be worthless, which again, is why it may be best to bring in a professional.

A traditional method of driving traffic is the use of advertising, through banner advertising, via paid content networks, via Ezines, and through traditional advertising methods. For local sites, in particular, the latter may prove to be one of the most effective strategies, at least in the beginning. Banner ads should be professional and polished, simple, while still explaining the benefits of your site. Be sure to include calls to action, and included eye catching graphics for best results.

Many companies and websites find success with the use of affiliate programs, which allow people to sign up as an affiliate on your website, promoting your product from their own site, and vice versa, and splitting the commission from any sales. You can opt to sign up with an affiliate program site, or set up your own affiliate system, which is cheaper but takes more time to manage. Remember, the higher the commission that you offer, the more incentive others will have to become affiliates.

Content / Article Marketing & Syndication. This is a fantastic way to get free backlinks to your site (one-way links) - but also showcase and share your information with your targeted audience. You can also get a following as an authority provider of information, and top article sites are, and Make sure to create engaging content, and take the reader back to a page where you have a direct call to action (make them do something). - 16890

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The Trend Of Consumer Purchasing On The Internet

By Ryan Haiti

There is a very big trend shift in the conventional business practices. There are now businesses are coming on the internet or online to perform or sell their products. Despite the increase in use and popularity of the Internet over the last few years, the question of why consumers prefer to shop on the Internet for certain products and not for others still remains poorly understood.

Consumers' preference for shopping on the Internet has not been abundant. Until just a few years ago, the Internet had been relatively new to consumers as a shopping medium, and is still in a growth phase. Lack of familiarity with its use and the risk perceived by consumers in revealing personal information as a part of online purchasing has created uncertainty and wariness about untried e-tailers. In addition, the appeal and adoption of online shopping have been hindered by inferior Internet retail site design and functions. Finally, historical trends have not had sufficient time to accumulate to predict consumer shopping behavior.

The early years of online shopping has been replaced by more realistic and cautious projections of e-commerce sales. While use of the Internet for the purposes of shopping, information search, communication, interaction, and entertainment has continued to increase, the actual figures for e-commerce sales have not increased as rapidly as expected. As online retail sales continue to increase at a slower pace than expected, academicians and practitioners alike are searching for the product categories that consumers will shop for on the Internet. Consumers' preferences for shopping on the Internet may depend on the product type, which will in turn influence the need to obtain product information easily and cost-effectively, or to test or try products before purchasing. In addition, consumers' willingness to purchase on the Internet may vary depending on the attributes that Internet retailers offer for online-shopping (i.e., information and order services, privacy, quality of products, site quality, etc.).

In the brick-and-mortar retailing and catalog shopping literature, the published research indicates that the importance of store/mail-order attributes varies by product category. There is a discrepancy between e-tailers and customers regarding why customers visit a site. Retailers were reported to believe that factors such as convenience, reputation/trust, and customer service were most important, while customers were reported to list merchandise assortment and competitive prices as the factors that mattered most to them. The reason for the discrepancy is perhaps that the type of product purchased is influential in determining which attributes are more important in choosing a retailer to patronize.

It may also help Internet retailers understand which Internet retailer attributes are important to consumers for specific product types so that they can communicate to them with proper messages and convey the appropriate product-related information on their Web sites and in their advertising. - 16890

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Terrific Home Base Business - Property Tax Consulting!

By Brian Furstenhimmer

Property taxes are going through the ceiling. On the other hand, comparing quality of assessments results in loopholes that allow for huge property tax reductions. This results in thousands of dollars of potential savings to homeowners. And, it's a basic need idea to sell making this one of the best home based business opportunities hardly anyone knows of.

In good times or bad times, this home base business will prosper. Not many businesses have that guarantee. There are a huge number of errors in property taxes. When the assessment of a client is wrong, you simply go through the process appealing it.

When you win a property tax appeal you get paid a contingency fee from the client. If you save your client $1,800 you get paid those savings in contingency fees. Generally you spread your fee over 2 or 3 years so the homeowner sees some of the money you saved for them. For everyone, it's a win, win situation.

In almost every state, local and regional government hiring and spending is ratcheting skyward. On the other side, private business has been cutting overhead expenditures to survive. Property tax increases pass the buck for government excess.

State and local governments are facing a mismanaged budget crisis. Large numbers of new jobs have been created in government. Result: many upset taxpaying homeowners.

When real estate prices tumble finding comparable properties that sold for less than the assessed value of your client's house is rather easy. Information resources are full of them.

Giving a quick look to The National Taxpayers Union statistics and you see where they write that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1

What you need to do in this business is finding the value of residential real estate by comparing your client's property with similar sold properties. You'll look for comparable sales or properties in similar neighborhoods that sold for less than your clients assessment breakdown.

It's a good idea to cooperate with the tax assessor. It makes no difference what the tax assessor finds. What counts is market value. The way to reduce your clients property tax is through comparing recently sold homes.

With recent decreases and abundance in lower-priced comparable home, the business of real estate property tax consulting is a very lucrative home base business proposition indeed! The entry costs are low, the profit opportunity great. - 16890

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Bring Out Creativity in Ohio

By Kristin Ross

Making native crafts like pots, embroidered fabrics, woodworks and preserved food is a tradition for some people. It draws out the creativeness of many people. Why keep such artistic prowess to yourself? Countryside craft festivals and fairs in Ohio provide opportunities to people who want to exhibit their skills.

How can we be informed about there festivals and craft shows? Who would answer our questions? A need for festival database is most likely.

In Ohio, latest happenings about craft fairs and festivals are disseminated through efficient networking. Community people participating in these events are available to provide help.

If you prefer to learn about the festivals by yourself, you can search for Ohio craft festivals and shows database. To keep track of specific events, a calendar of activities is accessible.

Participating in craft fairs does not only elicit creativity, it is also an income - generating activity. Who knows this might be a gateway for a bigger market and bigger profit.

Who said it's impossible to live through the tradition while making money? Be updated with the latest events on Ohio festivals and bring out the creativeness in you. - 16890

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Automated Income Streams and what they can do for you.

By Josh Dill

Developing automated income streams is a key to creating an abundant lifestyle, and it's easier than you think too!

Anyone who studies wealth or who is him/herself wealthy will tell you that trading your time for money is by far the worst way to achieve financial independence or wealth on any level.

There is little or no leverage at all when when it comes to trading time for money. The amount of money your earn is controlled by 2 things: 1) the hourly wage or salary you earn 2) the amount of time you spend on the job.

Now check this out! Lets say you have just 2 automated income streams you have created. Each earns an average of 2-3k per month and each week you spend 5 hours of your time on each A.I.S. (automated income steam). You are earning an average of $5,000 a month! The cool part about this is your only spending 40 hours a month(not a week) on your business. That's $125 per hour, not to shabby!

Couch potato lazy is not what we are aiming for here. We (I hope you too) are creating leverage in our lives by installing automated income streams. With this leverage comes the ability to do thing that give our lives meaning and purpose.

It's not likely that your Automated Income Streams are going to create world peace. The goal of an AIS is not to change the wold, but to change your life style. Although with the extra time and energy you now have you just might start a business that will change the world.

With the power of the internet creating automated income streams is now easier than ever before. With millions of affiliate marketing opportunities out there you only you set your limits.

So many people remain satisfied (mainly because they simply have not searched out the options they have) working 40 plus hours each week. Trading their time for money. Little do they know they have so many options that would provide them a much happier and fulfilling life. Lucky we are not in that group. - 16890

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Universal Laws of Success - Use Your Will To Achieve Anything

By Ray Stendall

How persistent is your will? Are you a person who gives up quickly on goals? Successful people all around the world have one very critical trait in common: an iron clad will to achieve their objectives. How persistent is your will? Do you often give up or are you someone who persists until you have what you want.

How do most people set goals?

Most people set goals based on what they think they can achieve or what they know they can achieve but not on what they really want. This is very sad because it promotes the status quo in their life and prompts very limited growth. Real growth occurs when you step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk.

Why do most people give up on their goals and dreams?

Most people give up on their goals and their desires because they either 1) are fearful that they will see a setback, or 2) experience a small setback and decide to give up because it's too hard to continue in their mind. Is anything really worth while in life very easy to get? Think about the relationships you have in your life with family, friends and your significant other. These relationships require work. The business that you have or the employer that you work with requires effort on your part to sustain it and to grow your position. Anything that comes too easily, frequently is also easily lost. If you don't believe me take a look at the statistics of people who win the lottery. Within a couple years they have lost every thing they have won. There's an old expression that anything you have not earned you have not earned the right to keep.

Do you really want "it"?

Many people give up on their goals and dreams because they don't really want them. If an individual has not become emotionally involved in acquiring a goal that they seek there is a very high possibility that they will give up. Ask yourself what are some of your New Year's resolutions from past years. Did you complete all of them? If not why? I'm willing to bet you were not emotionally involved in those resolutions and therefore they did not stick.

How can I improve the intellectual factor of the will?

The will, like all other intellectual factors, can be improved with conscious awareness. Learning to be in control of your thoughts and then focus on one thing at a time is the skill set needed. One way to do this is to buy a candle and light it on the opposite side of the room from you. Focus on the candle and only the candle. Your mind will drift and think about different things such as your job and preparing lunches for the kids. Bring your mind back and focus on the candle. The longer you can focus on the candle and the flame without allowing your mind to drift the better your "will" will become. Once you learn to master this task you can focus your will on anything.

Will this really work?

Let me be honest with you, take a look at your life in terms of your happiness, health, and wealth. Is there room for improvement? It doesn't matter how happy, healthy or wealthy you are there is always room for improvement. Now ask yourself how focused are you and how strong your will is? If you continue to do everything you have always done I promise you'll get more of the same. The candle technique was explained to me personally by Bob Proctor who is a very well recognized authority in the personal development industry.

The use of the will is one of the gifts few of us truly understand that helps us achieve real success in life. I want to suggest that you take the concepts contained in this article very seriously and become hyper aware of how you use your will and the results that you get in life. If you want to see big improvements make sure that 1) you really want your goal 2) you become emotionally involved with your goal 3) and you never give up. - 16890

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The Wide World Of Ringtones

By Gray Rollins

There are different sounds made by cellular phones and land line phones. The familiar brrrrring sound of a land line phone is usually the only ringtone they have. On the other hand, cell phones offer a wide variety of different ringtone options.

Cell phone ring tones are commonly used to customize phones. Many cell phones are sold already loaded with a variety of ring tones; a lot of people just stick with the default ring tone, however and whenever their phone rings it makes the same old sound.

Cell phones have a few types of ring tones to choose from. Some are monophonic which means that one note is played at a time, no frills, just a ring tone that alerts you that you have an incoming call. Another type of ring tone for a cell phone is called polyphonic; several notes are played as a musical run. The most popular is the true tone; this ring tone is often taken from a MP3 or WMA music file, usually lasting about 15 seconds and mostly taken from the chorus of a song or the most memorable part. The best part about a true ring tone is you can customize a different ring tone to each caller.

There are many promotional offers out there for free ringtones; often, you'll be asked to fill out a survey or sign up for an email list to get your free ringtone - however, you can buy ringtones for a s little as 99 cents, so it's a bargain either way. You can also make your own ringtones if your phone can record sounds - you can record distinctive sounds or even the voices of your friends for ringtones!

Your cell phone is already an important part of your life; you should consider customizing your phone to make it more you. There are plenty of great ringtones out there - more than enough to give a personalized ringtone to every one of your contacts. You get get ring tones made out of just about any song you could think of.

I've got about five ring tones on my phone and I rotate them around. I keep one special for my wife and a different one for my son who just got a cell phone; he's 8 and technologically advanced. I've got a college fight song for a buddy and knowing whose calling saves you the hassle of answering a call from somebody who misdialed or from a call wanting to sell you something.

The creativity of personalizing a ring tone for everybody in your contacts makes shopping for ring tones a blast. If you live near somebody and all you ever hear is their personal ring tone give him or her a treat and let him or her call you while he or she is standing next to you. It will let them know what you get to hear and you can tell them why you picked that ring tone for them. As some technology becomes impersonal, cell phones are still continuing to allow you to make that little device a fun and effective tool.

You can buy ringtones on the web or make your own. Some of the websites which offer ringtones for purchase are subscription based -be sure to check out what they have to offer before signing up. You don't want to be stuck with a choice of ringtones which you do not like or want. - 16890

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Do You Really Use Your Imagination To Get What You Want In Life?

By Ray Stendall

We are able to create pictures on the screen of our mind of anything we want to have, do or become. Do you remember when you were a child how rich and vivid your imagination was? Do you remember the level of enjoyment you had imagining the places you would go, the things you would have and who you would become? Why is it that as we age our ability to use our imagination to continue to get what we want diminishes? Is it a lack of imagination or simply a lack of effective use of our imagination?

One of the greatest gifts that we have an as human beings is our imagination. When was the last time you thought about how you use this incredible gift? Do you realize that imagination is one our intellectual factors which governs everything we have and who we become in life? Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that have the capacity to hold an image on the screen of their mind until it is realized in the physical world. Everything on earth was created twice. The car you drive in and the house that you sleep in was first envisioned in the mind of a designer or an architect. Artists hear songs or see mental images of the picture they want to paint in their mind before they ever write a single note or lift their paint brush. Things are created once in the mind and second in the physical world.

Do you remember when you were a child how vivid your imagination was? What changed as you grew up? Anyone who has ever watched an infant for some time and observed how they view the world cannot help but be impressed. We are attracted to babies based on their purity, sense of wonder and the level of joy that they express wherever they are. Somehow as we grow we change because of societal pressure and abandon some of the characteristics we once exhibited as a child. One of the primary skills that we somehow loose in the mix is the use of our valuable imagination.

Through traditional educational systems our imagination and creativity is suppressed and stilted. One key to moving forward to achieve your goals is to know exactly what you want in all aspects of your life. When we really know what we want we should be able to see a picture of the desire in our mind. Do you know what you want? Many people I ask this question to have no idea what they really, really want and unfortunately are no where near achieving even basic or simple goals.

Our imagination has led to the development of many incredible things. Think of all the modern devices you use every day and cannot live without. Your cell phone, computer or even that airplane you used on your last vacation. Without imagination none of these inventions would have been possible. Let me ask you an important question: over the last six months how many really exciting ideas have you thought about? Have they been based on what you really want or what you think you could get?

If you thought of different ideas think about this next question: what did you do to capture these ideas for future use? Do you write these ideas down? Do you make a picture of what you envisioned? If you wrote down your ideas, answer my next question. Would this idea make a positive difference in your life? Is the idea you imagined on purpose with what you want in your life?

If you have answered Yes to all these questions you have a clear understanding of your definite chief aim as Napoleon Hill would say. If you have got this far I would like to congratulate you. The fact you have a clear picture of where you want to be in your life and that you have a definite chief aim, puts you in the top 4% of the population. The most important question is what have you done about your ideas? Did you form a clear plan of action and have you been working your plan with persistence and determination?

In this article I have asked you many questions to try to really make you think. I hope you see that your imagination is one of the starting points for unfoldment of who and what you become in life. Your imagination is the path to achievement and will dictate everything obtain in the future including your health, wealth, quality relationships and success. If you have not been able to successfully answer the above questions I encourage you to spend some time thinking about them, return to this article and write down your answers to my questions. I assure you that if your dream is to become very successful in all aspects of your life, you need to pay attention to this important homework assignment. - 16890

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Fast and Easy Way to Learn to Play the Guitar

By Martin James

Jamorama is an awesome guitar learning system that was created by Ben Edwards. Ben Edward's Jamorama is a different and radically simple method for learning how to play the guitar quickly and with ease.

If you are looking for speedy results when learning to play the guitar this is the one system you should consider before any other.

Learning to play the guitar with Jamorama is a radical new system that has allowed guitar players to learn to play the guitar from some unique and one of a kindamazing learning presentations, not the least of which is the begins with the awesome and inspiring video series with jam tracts not available anywhere else. With numerous lines of tabs and uncomplicated educational presentations about how to read guitar tabs so you can begin playing by ear.

The simple genius of Jamorama will enable anyone to learn to play the guitar to play the guitar merely by hearing a song even when you think the song will be impossible to learn to play the guitar on the guitar.

The tracks include several variances of country, rock, jazz,hip-hop, and even the blues which allow you to play the guitar right along with the Jamorama Band. Playing along with the tracks will help you use and put into practice all of the different methods that you will learn to play the guitar with this fantastic and easy to use system to learn to play theeasy to use guitar to play the guitar.

You will be awed at how simply you too can learn to play the guitar to play the guitar with these tracks and videos. Jamorama will teach you to improvise on ny song that you hear so that you can learn to play the guitar to play them with fluency with no trouble or difficulty.

Learning to play the guitar in small components and then just practicing will then permit you to bring it together so that you will be playing whatever music or songs you may wish to learn to play on the guitar.

With Jamorama, you will save a lot of time and money. You will be able to practice at whatever pace you feel comfortable with whether it be fast, slow, or somewhere in between.

By being able to choose the pace you practice at you will reduce the time it takes you to learn to play the guitar how to play the guitar and also help you to avoid mistakes while you practice the lessons.

The whole system consists of professionally edited videos along with quality books to help guide you through as you learn to play the guitar to play the guitar.

Jamorama also has two computer games to add to the fun of learning to play guitar while also learning to differentiate between the guitar chords by training you to hear the different musical tones as you listen to them.

Ben Edward's has performed internationally and was a lead guitarist in a popular band called DegreesK. More than 43,000 people have used this spectacular system to learn to play the guitar to play the guitar.

If you really want to play the guitar without spending a lot of time and money, then you really should check out Jamorama - 16890

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Be Part of Michigan Bake Sales!

By Kristin Ross

Moms and other baking enthusiasts of Michigan listen up! You might be missing the business opportunity of your lives. You should know that so many bake sales and expos are popping up all over Michigan, just waiting for you to show your baking mastery. Cookies, pies, cakes, and breads are great family treats, but you should know that they can be part of your family income, too.

Aside from the monetary aspects, dog shows offer pet lovers a chance to show off the product of much time and training, and also to find other dog enthusiasts who'd love to share their experiences to like-minded individuals. You can be one of them. Imagine getting the recognition you could be getting from the simple joy of loving your dog.

No doubt, when the orders and the ribbons start pouring in, you'll have to invest more time to your craft, which means less time for the kids or your girlfriends. Don't fret. The Michigan trade fairs and festivals database will straighten out your schedule for you so that you'll have enough time to have it all, and make your new business blossom all the more.

With the Michigan trade fairs and festivals database, you know when and where these events will be held, saving so much time running around asking. This is your chance to get into the business in an organized fashion. You can simply check for the listings in your area, or plan for one farther away months in advance so you can make time for it.

The Michigan trade fairs and festivals database is the fastest way you can get into the groove of the business because it compiles all the information that would usually take years of experience into one handy resourse. Everything you'll ever need to know about the baking trade fairs and festivals in Michigan is right there for you to see.

Now's as good a time as any. You shouldn't keep your talent from reaching the tastebuds of so many people, because in the end, your love for baking is what will shine the brightest as you embark on this profitable and fun experience. Let the Michigan trade fair and festival database light your way to a wonderful, meaningful, and tasty adventure! - 16890

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Be Informative and Draw Traffic to Your Web Page

By Theo McLanahan

In times past people had libraries of books in there home encyclopedias, dictionaries, medical books, cook books all the information they needed for daily life was housed in those books. Those days are over. When people seek information now they turn to one simple source the internet. Rather than flipping through thousands of pages in huge books they click and browse until they find whatever information they need.

Whether your goal is to sell tangible products, digital products, or increase affiliate commissions, creating information products is a great way to increase traffic to your site.

Although it is an option, it is not necessary to sell the information you offer. It can be just as profitable to you to use it simply as a lure to get people to view your site. You can offer on line courses, give special reports and other information that people are seeking.

A special report is a good information product to offer. These reports are short and take very little time to prepare. You want to write a report about something that is associated with the products or services you promote. This way within your special report you direct attention to your product, increase traffic to your site and increase sales.

Write your report in a way that is especially appeals to your target audience. For example if you promote or are an affiliate for companies who promote skin care products write an article on women's health. In your article include a paragraph on the importance of healthy skin and include a link to your affiliates that will direct your readers to good skin care products.

Everyone loves a free gift. Make your special report a gift for signing up for your mailing list or newsletter. Your customers will be happy to receive free information. You will be happy to watch your customer base grow.

The information you offer does not have to be free of charge. For example, if you promote tools you might offer a few "how to" lessons on areas of home improvement. You could charge a small fee for the lessons and within each lesson refer your readers to tools that will make the job easier. Provide them with a link to your site or the site of your affiliates so they can easily view the product.

People are definitely hungry for information and if you can provide them quality information that answers their questions, you will notice an increase in your traffic (and profits). - 16890

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Info - How To Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets

By Arcol Mertin

In recent years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies entering this business and the search for the many benefits it can provide, the demand for web hosting has never been greater. These seem to be the trend today. 38 million people have their first online web pages this year 2005 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, industry sales over the Internet then top dollar bank. And to think, most of these sites offer different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate. This can only mean one thing. It is easier now to find the best web hosting service for its implementation. The ability of the companies hosting quality that separates it from the rest of the industry is expected. If this is done, incompetent and unprofessional to be missed.

Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful. This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore. How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting?

If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services. With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are. When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in another one. Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situations.

Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your host, check to see if they offer an affiliate program, you can participate. Instead you pay for them, why not make it the other way, you pay. The process can be as simple as putting a small "powered by" or "hosted by" link at the bottom of your page and you are already in a company affiliate. Why choose to pay for your web hosting for your when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know that you love your host.

Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support. There are also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage every month for a client that you refer. This can allow you to have a steady source of income. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field. There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing which one to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.

Web hosting is just a market participant can try and make a good income and continuous. Remember that to succeed in his effort also means that the time, effort and patience is needed. Nobody has invented the market participant perfect yet. But some people do know how to make it big in this type of market. It's just knowing your market rate and income. - 16890

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Get a Toll Free Vanity Number For Personal or Business Use

By Caressa Waechter

The telephone is one of the most basic forms of communication in use today. Wouldn't it be great if there was an affordable way to make your current phone service work harder for you?

A toll free telephone service can work wonders for you, if you use it right. Companies are not the only things that can make use of a toll free phone number. Imagine how very cool it would be if you gave your own personal 800 number to someone when you told them to give you a call?

Companies usually come to mind first when you think about toll free number. However, nothing says that you can't have a toll free phone number to use for personal purposes.

A vanity number might be the best kind of toll free phone number to get. An example of a vanity toll free number is 1-888-GROCERY, where the numbers spell something out. Your vanity toll free phone number will be very ease to memorize, so it will be a great marketing tool for you to use.

If you have your own company, a vanity phone number is one of the best marketing tools you can use. They don't cost very much, and if you get a catchy one, your 800 phone number will roll right off the tongue of your customers.

You can still benefit from using a toll free number, even if you don't own a business. In today's economy, one of the best ways to set yourself from your competition is to make yourself a brand. Using a vanity toll free number is a great tool in your personal branding campaign.

Anybody's marketing efforts can be greatly enhanced by using a vanity toll free phone number. You can be a business owner, or you can be someone looking to set yourself apart, and benefit from using a toll free number to market your brand.

You have no excuse to not be using a toll free number, whether you are a business owner or just someone who is looking to create a personal brand. A vanity phone number won't cost you very much and you will quickly see a return on your investment. Start up your marketing machine today by getting your own toll free phone number. - 16890

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Article Writing: Writing For The Internet

By Theo McLanahan

Here are the most pertinent instructions for selecting right approach for writing extremely good pieces of writing on Internet. You have to put up your articles on sale in case you write for money. You must understand your business better than others who are not required to sell their writings. Our focus here will be on skills needed for writing articles instead of qualities required for selling them.

The Foremost Rule You should write according to the taste of your intended reader, not according to your own personal taste. This means that you need to explore, identify, and target your message towards specific readers with specific interests. For instance, in an article on the financial market you can't target grandmothers looking for designs of knitting. You need to write your message according to the comprehension of target readers. No one will understand even correct stuff until and unless it is presented properly.

Keep in mind that people who browse the Internet are impatient. They click off the material once they read something that is not pertinent to their cause, and they only linger on an article that they consider important and pleasing.

The Main Approaches First of all, ask yourself this question "Who are your readers?"

In addition to identifying your intended readers, you must also ask yourself another question: Why do you wish to produce this piece of writing? In answering this question, you are really narrowing your approach to writing your article in the first place.

The Main Approaches The articles on the Internet can be classified into four wide approaches:

- Writing for Selling: Marketing articles often sell commodities or services to woo readers to a web site. The fast-paced speed of these articles are immediately obvious and, for this reason, the content of marketing remains small in size. Keywords are important for selling because they invite readers performing general word searches.

- Technical Writing: This type of writing requires actual facts. The technical aspect is well understood with diagrams. Even if the writing lacks visual aids, descriptions and writing is precise so as to avoid misunderstanding. If you use highly technical words, be aware that a common man would find it difficult to understand. And if the article has more of the style, the people with technical expertise will find it without technical details.

- Trendy Writing: The extensive use of blogs in the recent times has made this writing very popular. The main aspects here are to make the content more appealing and entertaining. This kind of writing should still try to be as straightforward as possible, as well as short and full of quick points. Trendy writing tends to lack details and arguments.

- Intellectual Writing: This writing requires detailed description of a particular field and often makes references from popular books. Intellectual writing is aimed at contributing to a field of study. However, it does not necessarily have to be academic in nature. Good examples of intellectual writing are book reviews and editorial columns.

The Internet is the most popular media for sharing information and, if used in an efficient manner, it can work wonders for you as a reader and writer. - 16890

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Find A Recession Proof Job

By Mike Schwartz

Something we all have to face right now is that we are in one of the worst recessions on modern history. This year alone our country has lost 2 million jobs. There is a massive influx of people scrambling for a new job.

Timing is critical and this could be the best time to start a home business. There is not a lot of faith in traditional careers right now. We are seeing our futures shrinking and companies are cutting jobs at an alarming rate.

The auto industry is circling the drain right now and if they are not safe then you may not be either. If the auto industry goes down it could mean another 2 million jobs lost over all. We are seeing a very unique time right now with home based businesses.

There are millions of people that are lost and looking for a change. People have heard of the growing popularity of home businesses and are becoming increasingly more curious. What this could mean for you if you started your home business now is you would have the advantage of the massive amounts of people that are considering starting one themselves.

At this time there are more people looking for a work at home opportunity than ever before. Getting started now will give you a big advantage over the rest of the crowd. With all the great tools we have it has never been easier to start a home business.

It is really very simple to do with a good business program and a little help and support from your mentor. If you join a home business that provides all the training and support to get your business up and running quickly you can be making a full time income within a month or two. You can start your new business in your spare time even if you are still working your present job.

A very important key is choosing a business that gives you a clear path to success. Don't fall for the get rich quick scams that are all over the web today. If you can't pick up the phone and talk to some one about the business you are interested in then it might be a scam.

Talk to them about what kind of training they offer. With any online business you will have to learn how to market it online. This is the essense of home business.

Having a good business plan and the support of your sponser is definatly something you will need if this is your first time. - 16890

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Friday, December 26, 2008

The Best Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic

By Don Bethune

When you build a website it is necessary to promote the site so other people knows that it exists out there on the Internet. If you do not promote your site then the probability of having high traffic is nearly impossible. There are great ways to promote your website and increase the traffic to your website.

Although a profession web designer and advertising company may be a viable choice to increasing traffic, it can be pricy and there are other methods that one can use. One of the most important things is to make the site well organized. Ensure that Meta tags are in place on each header of HTML. This will show that your products and services are legit and real.

Meta tags will provide more people to get your site as a result when they do searches in major search engines. In order to know what people are searching for it is good to look in the trends section of the search engines. This way you will have a good idea of Meta tags that will be effective for your website.

Use online video sites as a promotional tool. There are plenty of sites that offer you a capability of uploading and promoting free videos. Upload content of your amazing widget, show someone using it, get testimonials from happy customers, or other valuable information. The sky is the limit! Showcase your work with links to your website throughout the video and you can drive a lot of traffic to your website.

An RSS feed is a great way to reveal new products and updates on your website. It allows people to know right away what is new and improved. This is a great promotional tool and will help to increase the traffic flow to your website.

Another beneficial program to use is those that are pay per click. This will also bring in traffic to your site because they are easy to use and join. This allows you to create more links with other websites that are bringing in a lot of traffic, in hopes that you can draw traffic from each other. This will also provide an alternative and beneficial source income.

While these suggestions are great, you might find yourself asking, how do I get website traffic that is targeted to my business? That has an easy answer. Online bartering networks are a great resource to find and share ideas with other business owners. If you are in widget sales, and you find a partner who sells widget accessories, creating a strategic alliance can help you pool together two sets of customers that you can prompt to by with your sister company. Pooling from their customer base, and lead base can mean a lot more traffic for you.

The answers for how to get website traffic might seem easy, but promotion does take a lot of hard work. Being dedicated and treating the promotion of your business just as seriously as you treat your business itself is extremely important to the success of driving traffic to your website. Using these tools and some ingenuity, you will be a widget millionaire in no time. - 16890

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Customize Your Site With Free WordPress Themes

By Joyce M. Stuart

WordPress is one of the most popular website management tools I've ever heard of. It allows the site owner or webmaster the opportunity to create new pages, manage a site blog, and many other tools. The problem is to find a template that really fits your site, and I know of a place to get some excellent WordPress themes.

Did you know that many of the blogs you see on the internet are created using WordPress? It's true! WordPress is a super easy-to-use site management tool that allows the site owner to create a unique experience based on their own creative desires.

WordPress can be modified in many different ways, so be sure to explore a few good themes before you settle on a final one to use. Different themes provide more page columns, or alternate methods of displaying the contents, or many other page enhancements, so choose the one the works best for you.

Customizing your WordPress site with a unique theme is an easy way to create a different look and feel. There are many, many options available to fully customize a WordPress site, ranging from what visitors can see, to how the site owner can manipulate how it works at all. Experimenting with your WordPress themes will teach you many things about how WordPress works.

Many people experiment with a few different themes before they are set on the one they like the most. Each theme provides a different appearance to the site, as well as providing different options to the webmaster or site owner. This allows every site to provide a unique experience, and offers many options in how information is displayed.

Adjusting the meta tag information on each page help search engines index it more accurately. And the better a search engine is able to do the indexing, the better you will be ranked for searches. When you install a new WordPress theme, always be sure that the ability to edit meta information is available to you.

Customizing your website with a new WordPress theme is a fast way to create a new look and feel. Don't be afraid to change your theme as you search for just the right one. You will find that there are many options available in various themes, some of which are highly useful to you, and others you won't need at all.

Try a different WordPress theme for yourself. They are easy to install, and provide an endless variety of options you can change about how your site looks and behaves. You can even modify the number of columns the site displays, as well as colours and other display options that truly make each page a unique creation. - 16890

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Money with Articles Marketing - What Kind of Experience Do I Need

By Arcol Mertin

Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links. If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth.

If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth. Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links.

Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links. If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth.

If you can capture some of these skills and attack them aggressively during your first few small websites or the first few months of a larger website, then you will eventually become an expert. Since you can learn the ropes first hand on your own, the only thing that you will need to do before you begin your new career is to read up on how to get started (maybe purchase an internet marketing e-book or two) and make sure that you have the funds available to start a small site.

First, you will need to know how to pick out the correct articles to make your sites successful. There are many types of content, from free content to high dollar content, and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages (although high dollar content is more likely to give you a successful site in the end).

That being said, there are some skills that you will need to teach yourself or pick up along the way to make your sites successful. You can't go in not knowing anything, not learning anything, and still expect to make a good income (or any income at all). When you are trying to make money with articles, the beauty of it is that you don't really need previous career related experience and that you can learn the ropes as you go. - 16890

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Pay Per Click Advertising and Lead Capture Pages

By David Loren Sullivan

In online advertising, capturing your prospect's contact information is the most important part of the sale. Without good contact information, there is virtually no possibility of converting your lead. To establish the most results-driven and effective advertising, consider these tips when starting a campaign.

A very effective method of internet marketing is pay-per-click advertising. The cost varies with each search engine and the more prominent search engines are usually more expensive. However, there are smaller search engines that cost less per click. Once your ad copy is written and published, you next step is to create a good landing page.

A landing page, also called a lead capture page, is a one-page website that is used to capture a prospect's contact information. Designing your own unique landing page is essential to building and working your pipeline of qualified prospects that will eventually lead to sales, repeat sales, cross-sales, and up-sales. Your working pipeline of leads is your key to success in the realm of internet marketing.

When designing your landing page, remember to connect it to the advertisement if you want any chance of converting the lead. When writing ads, consider what they will see on the landing page as soon as they click on the ad. Does it meet their expectations? Is it focused or too general? Does it encourage them to take action?

Your landing page is such a critical part of your advertising campaign. Lead conversion percentage can double or triple a few simple font or color changes. Even the most trifle of updates could have a tremendous influence on your profits.

BlinkWeb is an excellent, free internet marketing tool that allows you to create a professional website using a pre-designed template. Creating your own high-quality, custom website is a cinch with BlinkWeb's drag-and-drop functionality. You can add opt-in forms, create order buttons, and even monetize your site.

Using testimonials, videos, and pictures is a great way to customize your landing page. Personalization is very significant in internet sales because it lets the prospect connect with you which normally would not occur without face-to-face interaction. A personally-branded website with ad copy that flows into your landing page will definitely increase your lead conversion percentage.

Once you've finalized your landing page, use split testing, dynamic landing pages, and everything you can to get the most out of your hard-earned advertising dollar. Track what works and what doesn't and make changes as you go. You will eventually get to a place where your online advertising and lead generation is fully-streamlined. Get started today and build a better business tomorrow. - 16890

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

FAP Turbo...Is It A Scam Or Not! Shocking Results!

By Olivia Willcox

FAP Turbo software a scam...People are asking?

Over the yaers many Forex trading programs sold on the internet may show outstanding back test results. But in actual fact, these software lose a lot of money when they are trading live. (as you know) This is because some of them are programmed to fit past results, and this will not make them more successful during live trading tests.

Well really to be honest, FAP Turbo made me kinda skeptical at first look. Its back test equity curve is really smooth and looked too good to be pretty true to me.

The Points Used to Evaluate the FAP Turbo Software.

First of all it's Winning Percentages! When I first began evaluating this software, there were several key factors that could be used to judge its profitability. The first factor is the winning rate of the system. This refers to the percentage of winning trades that the software makes. FAP Turbo's winning rate in the past 9 years has been 95% on average, and live testing is now showing an even higher success rate.

The Drawdown Another important factor is the drawdown of the system. This is a percentage figure that tells me what is the maximum % of capital that FAPTurbo has lost. Typical Forex trading software has drawdowns of 10% to 20%. FAPTurbo's drawdown is 0.35% which explains why the equity graph is so smooth on the statement page on its website.

I Mean Can You Really Trust the Back Test and Live Testing Results on the FAP Turbo Site? When I finished looking at the historical results and its live trading performance, I am starting to see that this software trades in the direction of the long term trend, and the patterns of trading between back test and live testing are very similar. This shows that the robot is running with the same rules and therefore the proof results are reliable and stable.

My review comes from years of being in the market myself making money and a close look at the FAP Software. - 16890

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Fight the Recession - Make Your Business Grow by Being Present

By Christina Helwig

Often we get caught up in a flurry of to-do lists, people we have to meet with, sales to be made, meetings to set-up and countless other small details and commitments that need to be fulfilled without taking time to breathe and focus on the present. Our lives are increasingly hectic and require an amount of multi-tasking never seen before. By failing to stay present we actually harm our businesses and by extension our future growth and expansion. You will be better able to ignore the recession by staying present in mind and giving your full attention to the "now."

Do One Thing At A Time Really Well

You can only focus on one thing at a time. If you are giving your attention to multiple tasks at once you are spreading yourself too thin and producing inferior work-product. If you disagree with this statement let's take a quick example to cement this concept. Have you ever been on the phone with someone who is watching t.v., playing on the internet or is otherwise working on something? You can tell right? Even if they deny it, you know that they are not giving you their full attention because they respond slower to your questions or answer you with "uh-huh" one too many times. Multi-tasking in the end makes projects take longer to complete, period.

Master The Details

Your brain has to pause and switch between neurons to move back and forth between the different projects or tasks that you're working on. Every time you switch, you have a mini-delay while your brain processes concepts to get you back up to speed with where you were in the task. If you have enough distractions this process could take you several minutes to complete. This accounts for the sensation of losing your train of thought when speaking or an inability to focus on a task after coming back from a distraction. By focusing one task at a time you are better able to handle all the requirements of a project. You are less likely to forget a step or a crucial detail. You will also get your work completed faster because you will not have to constantly make switches in your brain back to the task at hand.

Your Future Will Be Better If You Focus On The Now

You cannot act in the past, you cannot act in the future, you can only act now. Regardless of how many things you have to complete or how many fires you have to put out at any one time, you cannot be in two places at once and you cannot do anything about a problem that hasn't occurred. While you can set up ways to help you deal with potential problems in the future, your energy and focus needs to stay with the present. Worrying about future contingencies sucks energy from your present ability to handle and accomplish your current objectives.

Don't Dwell In "What If's"

Stop thinking about and letting your thoughts dwell in "recession-land." The more you think about the recession or economic times the more you will actually create failing conditions for your business. You'll subconsciously sabotage your business if you continuously think about the market dropping or the financial crisis on Wall Street.

You'll start to think things like "my customer won't buy our product because of the market" and your actions will start to match that mentality. You will make less sales calls, you'll lower the amount you ask people to buy or even lower the price of your products without any real need to do so, all to keep up with the mental image you have in your brain of a slowing economy. Don't tell yourself "no" before your customer has even heard your pitch. Let them tell you "no" and then redo the offers to match their expectations if need be. Your first and only thought should be that you have a superior product, that is worth its price and that the customer will benefit greatly from your service or good. That's it. Ignore the recession and press on.

Pick Your Five Things To Accomplish Each Day

Start out each day by making a list of the five most critical things you need to accomplish and then start working your list. Begin on number one and do not work on number two until number one is complete. Do not open e-mail, take phone calls or engage in any other distraction while you are working on your list. If you have meetings or other interruptions, come back to your list each time you have quiet time to work. If quiet time is a problem then set up some boundaries with your employees or co-workers. Shut your door and put a sign on it saying you are in a meeting. By engaging in this process you will be able to focus completely on the 'now" and your actions will be much more effective. If you do not finish all your five items, then just start the next day with the rest of the projects on your list and repeat the process.

Breathe and Push Through Problems One Step At A Time

If a problem or fire does pop up, just mentally reframe your five most important tasks. Take the problem and place it at the number one spot. You will not be able to focus on anything until you calm your mind and put out the fire. Once extinguished, your ability to focus will return to normal and you can breath and move on with your productive day. - 16890

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Use the Network ? Attract Browsers

By Theo McLanahan

Utilizing forums is a great way to draw browsers to your website. Message boards is a way for a network of people to post information, or gather information and interact with people who could be a customer. Using these message boards and forums will help get your website out there to be viewed by others.

Most forums allow you to add a signature line to your profile. You can choose to add your name, a logo or catchphrase that describes your business and a link to your website. Your signature line will be added to each of your posts, and as people read them, they may be curious about your business and visit your site.

Since you are starting from the ground floor in developing relations with others you need to start with a good introduction. It will require some time for people to build their trust in you. Be careful not the come across aggressive in your advertisements. You will find your messages are deleted quickly. Post frequently and advertise your business subtly and peoples reliance in you will grow and so will the traffic to your site.

Concise and informative answers given to questions posted on the message board will present you as an expert and will draw people to you and to your site the next time they need information on that subject. You will then be developing their trust and reliance on you. A relationship is developing and a potential customer has been born.

You can also include links to your opt-in pages for your newsletter. This will drive traffic to your site and increase the amount of people on your mailing list. Adding links to your newsletter that leads to articles and other information on your website will further increase the amount of traffic to your site.

If you have any specials or discounts, if you have written a special article on your website or posted specific and new information, or if you are offering an online training session, advertise it by posting a link on the forum. Others will be interested in taking a look at what you have to offer.

Face to face is still a great way to advertise. You may be surprised how many recommendations you can get from your friends just talking about what you have to offer. Making friends online gives you access to a potentially global customer base. Through word of mouth your information or product can be circulated worldwide in a short time. Never underestimate the value of good online contacts. Networking is the key.

You will increase the number of people who browse your site by utilizing forums and message boards. Develop online friendships, show yourself to be knowledgeable about your subject and give beneficial information on the topic. You are sure to see more visitors to your site. - 16890

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The Different Types Of Graphic Design Courses

By Lewis Arbour

There are several options of online graphic design classes available. These online courses make it much easier to get the necessary experience that you must position yourself in a better vocation. With a simple search using the keyword phrase "graphic design courses" in google, or one of the major search engines you will find thousands upon thousands of search results. It's important that you don't just pick out the first graphic design course that you find. Do some research and make sure that the online graphic design classes that they offer are well-grounded.

In today's technological age, you can continue your education from the comfort of your own home. It's convenient, because you can take control over your training by taking courses at your own pace and without having to leave your present job. A few years ago you would have been needed to be in class during the time the classes were offered and drive yourself to school. Today was one of those days that you didn't care if you missed something on your schedule.

It simply doesn't matter where the schools are placed with any online graphic design classes you discover. The reason is that you'll be taking classes online, not in an actual schoolroom.

If you're concerned about how much graphic design courses cost, there is no must be. These classes at traditional colleges are pricey, but you can get the same type classes through online foundations at fantastic cost savings. When getting it online, you will save a great deal of money. First, there is something vital I want to tell you. Getting any type of online course you should know that it's much harder then it would be in a classroom setting. It's very simple to put things off, you must condition yourself to a particular time of the night or day that you can finish your essential work for your course.

I recall when I took graphic design courses, I had to quit the occupation that I was working in because they couldn't adapt my school agenda, it really made things tough for me. If only these types of course had been offered in the past, it certainly would have helped me out. After a few months I found a new occupation with a schedule flexible enough to accommodate my classes. - 16890

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