Thursday, December 18, 2008

Libertarian Action Site Launched

By Jim Lam

Former web blogger Artus Register has a new website focusing on pro-freedom action this time, rather than words. The libertarian activist says that his new organization is unique, and not just another place for freedom lovers to sit around complaining.

"This is about action-something we in the liberty business seem unconcerned about, for the most part" Register says.

While admitting that many new sites and organizations allegedly committed to freedom have popped up in the wake of the Ron Paul Revolution, Register says the new organization, Liberty's Torch is quite different from the rest.

The management of the action is to be handled by the organizations members who volunteer their time and effort. Some will oversee the freedom-increasing projects, others will supervise entire states, or portions thereof, and most will simply agree to act as grunts, doing the constant work of making demands on government, convincing others of the superiority of liberty as a concept and following steps Register is convinced will "change the conversation."

The site's stated plans are beyond ambitious, and includes stopping the automotive industry bailout, eliminating state power through the often misunderstood tool of jury nullification, and bringing a quick close to the Iraq war. As lofty as these goals are, they are made easier, says Register by something he calls conjunctive effort.

"Freedom's only enemy isn't government. Almost as bad is the bigotry within the freedom movement.

"Gun rights people hate pot smokers almost as much as gays. And most civil libertarians feel the gun rights guys are a bunch of racist rednecks We want to make people realize that when it comes to liberty, we're all fighting the same enemy."

Through conjunctive effort, the group wants to reach out to other groups who share their position, be it on taxes, weapons, the drug war, or other issue.

"A group obviously has a better chance of bringing down a beast, than one or two people."

The organization is currently seeking writers, organizers, and regional directors who will organize and facilitate fund raising, letter writing, phone call campaigns, etc. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Liberty's Torch at - 16890

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