If you are an entrepreneur, chances are you are going to need to have a business credit card. It is not a wise choice to use your own personal credit cards for expenses your business has, as you are required to separate your business expenses from your personal expenses.
The number of uses you will find for your business credit card are pretty much limitless. These include paying for travel expenses, paying company bills online, and entertaining clients.
One of the leading issuers of credit cards for business is CitiBank with their CitiBusiness card. When you have a CitiBusiness credit card, you have a credit card that is made especially for the small business owner.
Since you have the opportunity to get additional cards for your employees, and set the amount of credit for each card, CitiBusiness puts you in the drivers seat when it comes to your business finances. They provide online account management that gives you the ability to view all of the card charges, view statements online, and otherwise have complete control of your CitiBusiness credit card account.
With their business credit cards with low interest rates, they will have a card that meets your needs. Citibank is often running special introductory rates for a certain length of time, which really allows you to control your cash flow during the set period.
CitiBusiness rewards programs with some of their business credit cards. With one of these credit cards you earn a set number of points for every dollar you put on the card. You will have several different choices on how to redeem your points, so you won't be stuck with just one redemption method.
When you own a small business, you really need to have at least one credit card that is the name of your company. This lets you maintain complete separation of personal and business expenses, while giving you the ability to track business spending.
Every business could use a credit card, so it is a wise decision to have a credit card that is specifically intended for business use. The CitiBusiness credit cards are a great choice as far as business credit cards are concerned. CitiBusiness cards offer some useful benefits for the entrepreneur, so you really ought to look into their cards for your business. - 16890
The number of uses you will find for your business credit card are pretty much limitless. These include paying for travel expenses, paying company bills online, and entertaining clients.
One of the leading issuers of credit cards for business is CitiBank with their CitiBusiness card. When you have a CitiBusiness credit card, you have a credit card that is made especially for the small business owner.
Since you have the opportunity to get additional cards for your employees, and set the amount of credit for each card, CitiBusiness puts you in the drivers seat when it comes to your business finances. They provide online account management that gives you the ability to view all of the card charges, view statements online, and otherwise have complete control of your CitiBusiness credit card account.
With their business credit cards with low interest rates, they will have a card that meets your needs. Citibank is often running special introductory rates for a certain length of time, which really allows you to control your cash flow during the set period.
CitiBusiness rewards programs with some of their business credit cards. With one of these credit cards you earn a set number of points for every dollar you put on the card. You will have several different choices on how to redeem your points, so you won't be stuck with just one redemption method.
When you own a small business, you really need to have at least one credit card that is the name of your company. This lets you maintain complete separation of personal and business expenses, while giving you the ability to track business spending.
Every business could use a credit card, so it is a wise decision to have a credit card that is specifically intended for business use. The CitiBusiness credit cards are a great choice as far as business credit cards are concerned. CitiBusiness cards offer some useful benefits for the entrepreneur, so you really ought to look into their cards for your business. - 16890
About the Author:
Author Caressa Waechter is an entrepreneur that feels just about any business can benefit from having its own CitiBusiness credit card. Learn more about business credit cards by visiting her website: Citi Business card
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