Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Publicizing Your Home Based Business

By David Trumble

Are you worn out from empty promises from those get rich quick schemes?

Building your own sewing machine repair business, does not promise millions of dollars for sleeping in a hammock. It does offer a real business opportunity. Success in this business involves a very simple formula. One: Learn the skills and knowledge to repair sewing machines. Two: Attract Customers. Three: Service customers sewing machines. Four: Keep customers.

Think about the challenge of Getting new customers for your sewing machine repair service.

Nobody enjoys twisting someones arm to make a sale. Most of us dread the very thought of selling or prospecting or finding new customers. Yet, this is the foundation of every business. Without customers, there can be no business. Without sales, there is no business. In many ways, attracting customers is number one priority of your business.

So, how do you find customers? You can advertise your business, or you can get others to advertise your business. First, we will consider effective ways to attract customers by advertising your business.

What marketing choices do you have? Think about it. Where have you seen marketing items? You may come up with your own list of dozens, maybe even a hundred different choices.

How fast do you want to get your business up and running? If you want customers as soon as possible, advertising is your solution. It is fast and easy.

Unfortunately, marketing does not always work, but it is always expensive. In my Sew And Quilt Stores, we spend approximately $55 for each new customer we attract. That is after being in business for sixteen years. Great care must be taken to control advertising expenses and insure its effectiveness.

What advertising will work for you? You have to decide. Weigh the effectiveness, cost, and potential of each medium. Just because a type of advertising works for someone elses business is no reason to think it will automatically work for yours.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Business is all about making decisions. The choices you make with regard to your marketing will have a big impact on your bottom line. What are the best advertising for your business?

For this discussion, lets assume our business is operated out of our garage. That means we need customers to come to our home. We need customers to trust us as a neighbor. With this in mind, what advertising vehicles might be most effective for us? The typical advertising approaches small business owners consider include space ads in the newspaper, classified ads in the newspaper, bulk advertising programs, and direct mail.

A common beginning point for new business owners is newspaper advertising. The theory goes that everybody reads the newspaper, but is that true? How many people will actually respond to you ad and become your paying customers? In a sense it does not matter what the ad costs. What matters is how much money your ad earns for you.

When people pick up the newspaper, what do they do? Read the headlines, look at the pictures, read an occasional story, and of course check out the classifieds. It is here that you can often get your best bang for the buck. Your ad is strategically placed in the category appropriate to your service. When people see it, they know you want their business.

Direct saturation mailings, batch marketing programs that distribute a group of ads directly to prospects, and direct ad distribution can be effective in letting people know you exist. Direct mail is reaches each household, but it can be very expensive. Batched marketing programs can significantly reduce those costs, while still being delivered directly to prospects. A typical direct ad distribution would involve programs like door to door fliers. If you have a trustworthy team or organization it can be cost effective.

Generally, I would recommend against high priced media advertising like radio and TV. Control your promotion investments.

Evaluate your marketing based on the actual cost per customer response. You can afford to spend on advertising ; only if it produces real sales from real customers at an affordable rate. - 16890

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