Friday, December 4, 2009

The Parent's Guide To New Year Resolution Ideas

By Trevor Johnson

When forming New year resolution ideas we usually think of the negative aspects of our life and trying to fix problems. We tend not to think of treating ourselves or focussing on the positives. Most of the time when we think of trying to fix the negatives we fail.

If you are a parent then resolutions fitted around your child might be the appropriate direction to go. As long as this is something that you want to change and are not doing it with the sole purpose to please someone else. What you will find is that as you change the way you teach your children other positive changes will take place in your life. The result will be that you are happier in yourself because children are behaving better.

When making changes around the way you care for your children you will find that they are better behaved and more respectful. Resolutions that are geared around children and the way you look after them will completely transform areas of your life. Even if changes are not completely implemented within the year at least you will have made a start.

Go camping or take up a sport together, at least you will be sharing more time with your child. Once parents start to spend more quality time with their children then they notice how much their children change and come out of themselves. Often we are too interested in our own lives and feel we lack time when really we should be making time for our children.

Try to use positive praise when your child does something well tell them. Instead of watching all the bad things that your child does make a real effort to praise them and notice their achievements. When using positives with your child instead of using negatives many changes will take place.

Make a resolution that you will be more patient, calm, creative and aware of your child this year. Try to use more positive reinforcement methods with your child instead of using negatives. Try to explain more instead of just saying "you cannot do this" learn to say, "I don't want to do this because of -------" We often get into parenting habits that we don't always recognise.

This year learn to observe patterns of behaviour within your children and ask yourself if it is something that you are doing. Learn to set an example to your child. Children will commonly learn to act out the behaviour of a parent.

Try to stop bad habits from forming before they even start to become a problem. Set firm boundaries and routines so that your children know what to expect. Most of all have fun and enjoy yourself because it is as much about you than your children. - 16890

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