Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why Cell Phone Ringtones are Getting Out of Hand

By Dorthy Weatherbush

There was once a time when the only ringtone was the sound of a bell. That's why it is called a ringtone because it's supposed to sound like a bell. Oddly enough, the first telephones actually had bells built into them, which was still true in the nineties. But something has happened as of late, a change of sorts. This change had given birth to questions such as; is it something we want? Do we even like this change?

With a digital age comes digital sounds, and now rather than a bell we have a speaker. It wasn't too long before people realized that they didn't need to have that standard bell tone anymore. They could in fact have the phone do anything they WANTED when it rang. Does anyone remember the Star Trek telephone that raised the red alert whenever it rang?

That was the start of ringtones getting out of hand. If you think of it, they are just communication devices, right? Pretty soon people realized that these mobile devices were also capable of conveying joyous messages when they rang. Almost all the people alive today know what this actually led to.

Now, instead of the standard bell, you hear all sorts of things, from songs, to voice clips, well just about anything that you can imagine. It's terribly irritating to be seating in a meeting at work, and suddenly you hear the sound of someone passing gas, only to find out it was the ringtone of your co-worker's cell phone. That's just not quite acceptable; the sad part is, it's become a major part of our society.

Almost everyone has a mobile phone these days, and almost all of those people have assigned ludicrous ringtones, meaning that no matter where you go, you're going to hear it. So the question is, what should be done about it? There are only a few things that you can actually do to lessen this unwanted phenomenon. For instance, you could set your ringtone into the standard bell. This might set an example, and might make the person beside you fell a bit abashed when their own phone starts paying something downright ridiculous. In the end, as they say, is totally up to you.

If you are one of those people that opt to have a ridiculous ringtone, then that is your right of course. Your phone can emit any noise that you deem fit, just try to make sure that it isn't bothering those around you if you can help it. After all, is it something that YOU would want to hear?

Ridiculous ringtones are here to stay, that much is certain. All we can do at this point is sit back and watch. Just try to set the example that you would most want to see, and from there...who knows. - 16890

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