The first and most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a web hosting provider is what type of website you want to create. Not all web hosts are created equal. If you want to create a large social networking site or an online store, you are going to need a host with different capabilities than if you are just making a site to share pictures.
At this point, the aspiring web developer must decide what to look for in a web host. This can be a bit confusing, but the following list of features should make this task far less daunting. Keep these in mind when searching for a web host:
Cost: Smaller sites have much different requirements than larger sites. In this case, a low cost shared web host will serve nicely. Make sure they have room to expand in the future, just in case.
Ease of use: The nice thing about shared hosting is that, since you are sharing the server with other users, most of the control panel issues are taken care of for you. This means that you are free to focus on making a great site rather than server maintenance issues.
Tools: Your site may be simple, but make sure you consider the features that you want to have. For example, do you want to be able to add a forum where visitors can share their favorite fruit salad recipes? How about a contact me form so that visitors can give you feedback about the site? Take all of this into consideration before you select a web host.
Access: You may get a great idea for a new fruit salad recipe while eating lunch in an Internet caf on vacation in France. Can you upload your files and access them from any computer, or do you have to be at home on your own computer to work on your site?
Support: Finally, does your web host offer good email and / or phone support? If you are new at website development, you may run into problems and need someone to help you fix them. Even if you are not, you may have questions about how to implement features or what to do when
The perfect web site host for the simple web site is fairly easy to find once you know what to look for. Finding the perfect fit for your website is much more about your needs rather than what the host itself. Make sure you ask the right questions, find the price you are willing to pay, sign up and get to making that perfect site! - 16890
At this point, the aspiring web developer must decide what to look for in a web host. This can be a bit confusing, but the following list of features should make this task far less daunting. Keep these in mind when searching for a web host:
Cost: Smaller sites have much different requirements than larger sites. In this case, a low cost shared web host will serve nicely. Make sure they have room to expand in the future, just in case.
Ease of use: The nice thing about shared hosting is that, since you are sharing the server with other users, most of the control panel issues are taken care of for you. This means that you are free to focus on making a great site rather than server maintenance issues.
Tools: Your site may be simple, but make sure you consider the features that you want to have. For example, do you want to be able to add a forum where visitors can share their favorite fruit salad recipes? How about a contact me form so that visitors can give you feedback about the site? Take all of this into consideration before you select a web host.
Access: You may get a great idea for a new fruit salad recipe while eating lunch in an Internet caf on vacation in France. Can you upload your files and access them from any computer, or do you have to be at home on your own computer to work on your site?
Support: Finally, does your web host offer good email and / or phone support? If you are new at website development, you may run into problems and need someone to help you fix them. Even if you are not, you may have questions about how to implement features or what to do when
The perfect web site host for the simple web site is fairly easy to find once you know what to look for. Finding the perfect fit for your website is much more about your needs rather than what the host itself. Make sure you ask the right questions, find the price you are willing to pay, sign up and get to making that perfect site! - 16890
About the Author:
Dan writes weekly for Rate Your Web Hosting. Make sure to stop by and read his expert web hosting reviews and technology and web related articles.
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