Sunday, August 30, 2009

M.U.D: Are Your Marketing Efforts Stuck?

By Ann Rusnak

Since it's a truism that "Selling is a numbers game," M.U.D. Throwing Marketing might be your standard approach.

This marketing strategy is based on the idea, "If you throw enough 'mud' on the wall, some of it will stick and you'll make money."

M.U.D. Marketing disguises itself as a "fast" and "easy" way to find people who want to buy your product/service. It is one of the most used marketing strategies, especially among "newbie" business owners.

On the very surface, the M.U.D. methods appears to have an approach where business owners don't have to waste resources research target markets and just sell to everyone while awaiting profits.

However, M.U.D. Marketing gives you the air of looking busy, but that's no indication that you are truly productive. This approach actually produces few results for the amount of time, effort, and money it costs you.

Imagine for a moment that you have a pile of mud lying next to your desk. Since we're imagining, we'll make it a big pile right there on the carpet. Now you grab a handful and sling it at the wallpaper.

Unfortunately, you have no idea where your target is. The landscaping print? The award and degree gallery? The mirror next to the door? Since you haven't got a clue, you move to the center of the room and your hand moves in wide sweeps as the mud flies.

After you used up all the mud and the room is covered, you find out what the actual target was. The target was a plaque on the wall and even with the mud slung all over the room the plaque was only hit a few times.

Market Un-Determined or Marketing Un-Defined is the true meaning of M.U.D.

Either one spells disaster for your business.

If you had taken the time to find the true target, your results would have been totally different. Look at all the energy you wasted slinging at everything in the room. Look at all the mud you wasted, and mud costs money.

Taking the time to research and identify your market creates a better process of success and profit for your business by reducing waste of time and resources.

To identify your Target Market, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is the problem your product or service solves?

2. How would this make a difference in your client's life or business? In other words, what is the benefit?

3. Who is the person with this problem?

4. Identify the necessary demographics of your target audience such as gender, job info, generation, recreation habits, etc.

Create a detailed portrait of your ideal client.

Why should you exhaust yourself and your resources trying to sell to a gazillion people when only a limited number really want your offer? This is the condition M.U.D. marketing creates. Is it any surprise you feel frustrated and discouraged?

If you feel stuck, stop practicing M.U.D. marketing and wasting valuable resources such as time.

Remember...if you try to sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one. - 16890

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