Saturday, October 31, 2009

Direct Network Marketing - Best Source of Targeted Leads

By Todd Gleason

Finding targeted leads is the life blood of any direct network marketer. But the times have changed in the network marketing business. It is getting more difficult everyday to find a continuing supply of good qualified leads. Traditionally many network marketers have bought lead lists. But unfortunately many times these are rehashed leads that have grown cold over time. Most contact information on these lists becomes outdated and many people forget they even signed up to receive information on business opportunities.

If you're tired of beating your head against the wall trying to get these prospects to convert, there is a better way. It is a way that has good qualified prospects coming to you rather than you searching to find them. You need to start today to become an internet marketer. Doing this is essential to your survival in today's increasingly competitive direct network marketing environment.

You need to get started right now. Go get a website. A domain name can be registered for about $10 a year and hosting services can be had for $10 or less a month. Having a website will let you start branding yourself. Stay away from those replicated websites provided by some network marketing companies. They do not work!

The best source of targeted leads is people who find your message on the web and want to find out more about your opportunity. These are people who are interested now and are ready to take action if they like what they see. You'll have a lot more success with these leads than those old stale email lists you've been using.

Once you have your website you'll need to start generating traffic. There are basically two types of traffic - paid and free. I would recommend you start with the free traffic sources. It will take a little longer but it will be a lot less expensive.

You want to get your website ranked high in the search engines (e.g. on first page of Google) so your message is seen by people searching for business opportunities. You'll need to do some research to find out what keywords people are searching on. You'll want to build your website around these keywords and other related keywords to get ranked.

Don't make the mistake I see many experienced internet marketers make. They don't build a list. When people visit your site entice them to opt-in to your email list. This will be the greatest asset your business will have. When you sponsor people into your network marketing business who owns that list of names? The network marketing company owns it. If the company goes away or you move on to another opportunity you lose your list. Build and protect your list. You can market any number of new or related business opportunities and services to your own list. Protecting your list will protect your business.

Build a long term asset - your list - outside of any one specific business opportunity. If you do that you'll generate high quality targeted leads for your current opportunity and a readymade list for other business opportunities and services that you might want to offer. - 16890

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