You'll find lots of articles out there touting great "network marketing secrets" you should employ to make your business a success. And truly, there are a lot of great ideas out there you can use. We're all looking for them because we want to figure out the best way to create a customer or business associate out of the strangers we encounter online.
There are many suggested techniques and ideas out there, but in one fundamental way many miss one key point. And this is also the area where the majority of network marketers make their critical mistake: As soon as a lead is generated, they jump in with a sales pitch.
Unfortunately, for most people a sales pitch is a total turn off. It achieves the opposite effect. You've probably experienced this yourself. Someone starts out by telling you how fantastic a company is and why you should join. Or they put out some kind of "Hurry! We're only extending this special opportunity for a limited time so if you don't join now you're going to lose out!" message. For most people, this only sends up red flags of alarm.
The Secret is To Presell
The essential secret to network marketing success is preselling prospects-not giving them any kind of sales pitch at all. A couple of network marketing experts-Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard-spend a lot of time teaching and preaching this concept. Ann is with the Renegade Network Marketer and Mike is at Magnetic Sponsoring. Both tell you that you should never start out by asking for the sale!
The reason most people don't utilize this and take advantage of it is because they lack the patience. However, as far as network marketing secrets go, this is just about the most powerful aspect to building a business.
When you learn to presell successfully, you never even need to throw out a sales pitch at all. Your potential customers and associates will literally come to you. Here's a short example of how this might work for you:
1. Your lead funnel lands a prospect (perhaps someone comes to your landing page).
2. You are contacted by them about your opportunity. Their initial reaction is that you're about to unleash your sales pitch. However, you change everything up and talk to them about how to get from a starting point to their goals.
3. Each subsequent communication from you focuses on educating this prospect about how and why someone would want to build a successful online business. Your messages focus on the importance of providing other people with information they need and can use. Your message never ever gives any kind of sales pitch.
4. Following communications conducted over a period of time-usually three weeks or more-the prospect trusts you and understands that you are sincerely interested in helping other people succeed in building an online business. They ask you what online network company you work with. A good number of them will inquire about how they, too, can join in this successful endeavor.
Can you see the difference here? Can you see why this process is different and so essential to success? When you educate your prospects to achieve their own goals, you are preselling yourself. This approach is the most effective network marketing secret out there. Now all you need to do is put it into practice. - 16890
There are many suggested techniques and ideas out there, but in one fundamental way many miss one key point. And this is also the area where the majority of network marketers make their critical mistake: As soon as a lead is generated, they jump in with a sales pitch.
Unfortunately, for most people a sales pitch is a total turn off. It achieves the opposite effect. You've probably experienced this yourself. Someone starts out by telling you how fantastic a company is and why you should join. Or they put out some kind of "Hurry! We're only extending this special opportunity for a limited time so if you don't join now you're going to lose out!" message. For most people, this only sends up red flags of alarm.
The Secret is To Presell
The essential secret to network marketing success is preselling prospects-not giving them any kind of sales pitch at all. A couple of network marketing experts-Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard-spend a lot of time teaching and preaching this concept. Ann is with the Renegade Network Marketer and Mike is at Magnetic Sponsoring. Both tell you that you should never start out by asking for the sale!
The reason most people don't utilize this and take advantage of it is because they lack the patience. However, as far as network marketing secrets go, this is just about the most powerful aspect to building a business.
When you learn to presell successfully, you never even need to throw out a sales pitch at all. Your potential customers and associates will literally come to you. Here's a short example of how this might work for you:
1. Your lead funnel lands a prospect (perhaps someone comes to your landing page).
2. You are contacted by them about your opportunity. Their initial reaction is that you're about to unleash your sales pitch. However, you change everything up and talk to them about how to get from a starting point to their goals.
3. Each subsequent communication from you focuses on educating this prospect about how and why someone would want to build a successful online business. Your messages focus on the importance of providing other people with information they need and can use. Your message never ever gives any kind of sales pitch.
4. Following communications conducted over a period of time-usually three weeks or more-the prospect trusts you and understands that you are sincerely interested in helping other people succeed in building an online business. They ask you what online network company you work with. A good number of them will inquire about how they, too, can join in this successful endeavor.
Can you see the difference here? Can you see why this process is different and so essential to success? When you educate your prospects to achieve their own goals, you are preselling yourself. This approach is the most effective network marketing secret out there. Now all you need to do is put it into practice. - 16890
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Network Marketing Success Secrets - Tips and Resources to Help You Build a Successful Network Marketing Business Online... Get Your Free Online MLM Secrets Training Today!
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