Monday, October 19, 2009

Global Warming, an Apprehension towards Gas emission

By Sean Flynn


The sudden rise in the average temperature results in global warming and this is the main outline demanding attention. The augmentation in temperature is owing to the carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere in combination with other greenhouse gases such as methane, aerosols and nitrous oxide. The earth is habitable when there are normal gases in balance. But, when the same normal gases reach more than the average levels, it is tough to be eliminated and results in global warming. The temperatures start rising in the ocean and the air.

Global warming pollution

Global warming pollution is seen as a threat as the increase in global temperature results in shifting the ecosystems such that glaciers retreat, water supply alters, plant productivity changes and you can find destruction of fragile ecosystems. The overall effects become totally irreversible. The water levels are found to be declining drastically and the warmth of the lakes are also increasing at a speed rate.

Global warming pollution is due to burning fossil fuels resulting in warming the atmosphere including the problems of global warming. The carbon dioxide gases due to the fossil fuels consumption allows more heat absorption from sunlight and prevents the heat to enter space causing water and air to become warmer. This results in fast ice and snow melting thereby compounding global warming problems.

Greenhouse gases

Global warming problems are increasing mainly due to the contribution of homes that make maximum use of electricity and increase the Greenhouse gases. With the advancement, everyone is totally dependent on the energy and it is high time to revert to Stone Age. Using fossil fuels exorbitantly is certain to lead to Stone Age. This may happen faster and sooner than expected.

The atmospheric gases are high due to burning fossil fuels, land clearing and agriculture activity. The dramatic warming has shown a sharp increase in the recent years and attributes mainly to human activity. The energy related emissions of carbon dioxide is due to natural gas and petroleum representing nearly 82% of greenhouse gases emission.

Clean technologies

Clean technologies making less use of energy is highly recommended. Homes should make use of pollution free energies to have a decrease in the exhaustion of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. This will help in decreasing global warming problem to a great extent. Greenhouse effect is only due to global warming resulting by affecting everyone on the earth. Even turning a light or watching TV releases carbon dioxide gases compounding to more global warming problems.

Planet is changing rapidly and this sign is not good. As home is the major contributor of global warming, small efforts can be made to decrease electricity usage. This on the other hand will reduce the deadly carbon dioxide gases exhaustion. This can be done effectively by adopting some alternative clean technologies that reduces global warming pollution, protects forest ecosystems, biodiversity, wildlife and also improves the quality of air thereby protecting health.

Simple alternative steps

Improving the atmosphere and making it healthy by adopting simple alternative steps is always the best. You can expect political and economic capitals involvement certainly. Yet, you can initiate by adopting simple steps in preventing global warming such as adopting clean car technology that is efficient and pollutes less. This can be done by upgrading the vehicle, using clean fuels and regular maintenance. This will benefit you by offering more mileage.

The simple alternative steps to be taken towards global warming decrease are to change all the house hold lights to energy saving bulbs. Similarly, instead of throwing trash, it can be recycled and walking to grocery stores keeps your body fit and you can prevent global warming by not using your vehicle. - 16890

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