Handbags : Handbags are older then some people might think, the very first mention of handbags in literature was somewhere in the mid 14th century. Handbags have been essential to fashion for decades upon decades, and handbags are still becoming more and more of the rage.
In the mid 16th Century, handbags started becoming even more popular and took on more of an air of practicality, something women used daily. They started making handbags out of everyday material such as leather, or cloth, and they put a fasset on top -- some times made of draw-string to close the handbag.
In the 17th century, handbags started coming in more variety, and this is when handbags really started getting fashionable. Several brands started releasing new models of handbags just for fashion, and this is the first time handbags have been percieved in that light. Handbags started becoming a good marketing venture, and young girls were taught embroidery at a young age, as making handbags was a very lucrative career. By the end of the 17th century almost all women and some men were carrying small handbags of varying sizes and shaped to hold their belongings.
In the 18the century, a certain fashion known as neo-classical clothing became popular, and since a cloth handbag would ruin this look, many women started carrying their handbags if they were fashionable, these handbags were known as "reticules". By this time, handbags have been coming so popular almost all woman had several handbags for different events.
The actual term "handbag" was first heard in the early 1900's, but was generally used to refer to hand-held luggage carried by men. These bags were an inspiration for some new bags that became popularized for women.
In the 1920's, fashion really started to get shaken up. Clothing started getting lighter, and shorter. Handbags started to get brighter, sexier and more exotic. Bags no longer needed to match an outfit perfectly, you could start getting a little wild with your handbags! In the 1950's, imporant designers such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, And hermes started seeing the light and becoming very popular by the fashionable and wealthy.
Women started using and loving these expensive and stylish name-brand handbags so much, that some people decided it would be a worth-while investment to produce some fake designer handbags, known as replica louis vuitton handbags, and other designers. While these handbags look similar, the price is much lower, but also so is the handbags quality. If you want the look without the price, Replica handbags is the only way to go. - 16890
In the mid 16th Century, handbags started becoming even more popular and took on more of an air of practicality, something women used daily. They started making handbags out of everyday material such as leather, or cloth, and they put a fasset on top -- some times made of draw-string to close the handbag.
In the 17th century, handbags started coming in more variety, and this is when handbags really started getting fashionable. Several brands started releasing new models of handbags just for fashion, and this is the first time handbags have been percieved in that light. Handbags started becoming a good marketing venture, and young girls were taught embroidery at a young age, as making handbags was a very lucrative career. By the end of the 17th century almost all women and some men were carrying small handbags of varying sizes and shaped to hold their belongings.
In the 18the century, a certain fashion known as neo-classical clothing became popular, and since a cloth handbag would ruin this look, many women started carrying their handbags if they were fashionable, these handbags were known as "reticules". By this time, handbags have been coming so popular almost all woman had several handbags for different events.
The actual term "handbag" was first heard in the early 1900's, but was generally used to refer to hand-held luggage carried by men. These bags were an inspiration for some new bags that became popularized for women.
In the 1920's, fashion really started to get shaken up. Clothing started getting lighter, and shorter. Handbags started to get brighter, sexier and more exotic. Bags no longer needed to match an outfit perfectly, you could start getting a little wild with your handbags! In the 1950's, imporant designers such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, And hermes started seeing the light and becoming very popular by the fashionable and wealthy.
Women started using and loving these expensive and stylish name-brand handbags so much, that some people decided it would be a worth-while investment to produce some fake designer handbags, known as replica louis vuitton handbags, and other designers. While these handbags look similar, the price is much lower, but also so is the handbags quality. If you want the look without the price, Replica handbags is the only way to go. - 16890
About the Author:
www.salevogue.com is the best place for luxury womens order authentic and discount price authentic handbags.
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