Friday, March 20, 2009

How Your Healthy Whole Body & Well-Tuned Vehicles are Similar

By Deborah Lindholm

More often than not people will identify themselves by their body. With labels of tall, short, thin, muscular, curvy, healthy, and unhealthy and the like, there are actually very few who are able to step outside of these 'traditional' definitions we have adopted so readily. Our flesh holds a blessed vehicle for us to carry with us our personal joys and troubles, our victories and our challenges.

Instead of defining it and thus letting the definition rule the way you treat your body, because there really is more to a body than size or shape, why not seize the opportunity to take ultimate care of it? Treat it as the beautiful vehicle it actually is.

We are going to use a common metaphor to relate to the human body. We will use a car as an example. They both happen to be vehicles which can last quite a long time if properly looked after and cared for. It makes no matter what style or model your car is, as long as it gets you from point A to point B. The same will apply to your body, as long as you take care of it.

How Do You Treat Your Car And How Do You Treat Your Body?

More often than not, many of us tend to treat our cars better than our own bodies. Our cars get the best gas in the tank, even if it's more expensive that regular gas. Following this act of generosity towards our car, we proceed to fueling our bodies with food void of any nutritional value. We begin a ritual of washing our cars every week, with the metaphor being a car spa but yet we rarely spend time or money on any ritual of basic self care.

We find it easy to ignore the knocks, pings and unmistakable signals delivered to us by our body when some requirement isn't being met, but the slightest slurp, whoosh or gurgle from our car kicks us into overdrive to get to the mechanic's for a check-up and prescription.

"But it's dangerous to ignore these sounds from your car." This is in fact true, squealing brakes and grinding noises from the rear end of your car could cause an accident. The sounds and signals from your body are just as important to pay attention to.

Rather than continue on a possible path to destruction, appreciate your body in whatever situation it is in. It's been pretty good to you this far, having taken you where you have needed to go, and hasn't let you down as of yet. If you start taking fantastic care of it today, you will be able to embrace you healthy whole body.

Consider The Following Questions:

Your car may start to spat and sputter, becoming unable to run or take you where you need to go if you don't use the right grade of fuel. Are you using the best fuel possible? Drinking more water and replacing those empty calories with appropriate nutrients will feed your body properly so your body will take you far.

Are you paying attention to the check engine light blinking on your dashboard? We're talking about self care here, are you setting time aside for yourself, getting regular checkups, and striving for some kind of balance. You don't have to schedule a weekly massage or a thousand dollar spa spending spree, if you can of course go for it. However, you can take a walk, take a candle lit bubble bath, spend time playing board games with your friends and family - there are a lot of ways to step back and enjoy your life, find balance, and take care of the signals your body is sending you.

It makes complete sense to take care of your personal well-being in all ways you know how and are capable of. You can choose to wait until the car breaks down on the side of the road to get the repaired done, or you can choose regular maintenance, bringing the car in for diagnostic checks at the first sign of a shudder or rattle that doesn't feel right, or that spot of oil you just noticed in the driveway, any problem.

Last but not least, when you find the tread wearing thin on your tires, you replace them right? Each of us needs to take time out to evaluate the steady running of our lives, where we are and where we want to be. It's normal for our needs change over time and ignoring these changing needs results in us ignoring who we really are - and this is not good for our health or our happiness.

The next time you're at the gas pumps or washing the car, take a step back and remember if it wasn't for the divine vehicle you take residence in - your own body, you wouldn't be able to do any of these things. Make sure you take care of it; it's the only one you'll ever get. - 16890

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