Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting people to LISTEN: A Traffic Formula 2.0 Review

By Art Basmajian

Like you, I've had my share of being ignored because literally, there are just plain billions of websites out there and more are being created everyday. It's not that my website (or yours) are any better or any worse; it's just that not everyone will have the time to look at everything that's on the Net.

Find Your Niche

There were times I doubted it, and most times I pretended that my site didn't exist for all the traffic that went there. But that changed when I found something, and I will share what that is with you in this Traffic Formula 2.0 Review.

Mike Dillard came up with the brilliant idea of creating Traffic Formula 2.0, and that instead of swimming like salmon against the tide (heroic, but those fish die in the end), he was more like a beaver building a dam so that the water will serve his needs. And the Internet has served him well, making him millions of dollars in such a short time (before he was even 30!).

Pay It Forward

This Traffic Formula 2.0 Review is my way of saying thanks for learning how to get rid of all the redundant and ultimately useless things that I used to do to get attention for my site. Some were so desperate and embarrassing that I still blush at the thought. After using the formula, I worked less but with better results; it's amazing what a few right placed emails can do.

What's in it for me? Nothing but the knowledge that I can help someone as someone before helped me. What's more important is what's in it for YOU. I have all I need, and so can you, if you just click on that BUY NOW button.

When you're done and you want to thank me, share the formula with someone else and we can call it even. - 16890

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