Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6 Ways To Break Out Of The Low Self Esteem Prison

By Ayo Olaniyan


A prison creates restriction to various levels of personal freedom.

The post in context: I feel the word prison captures the effects of experiencing low self esteem which are isolation, little or no self worth, frustration, depression.........

Low Self Esteem refers to the perception of an individual, viewing himself as inadequate, unworthy, unlovable, and/or incompetent. Once this is established in your thoughts/mind, the negative view of self would revolve around every sphere of your life, producing faulty assumptions and an ongoing self-defeating behavior.

Low self esteem affects the quality of your life. You become IMPRISONED with the feelings of insecurity, take fewer risks, communicate less and this restricts various opportunities available for your personal growth or development.

An article on the BBC website dated the 9th of July 2009 states Self Help Makes You Feel Worse. While my opinion differs from that statement in the context of positive and progressive personal development, I tend to agree with the concept of the article and support the statement by Simon Gelsthorpe, a psychologist with Bradford District Care Trust.

Symptoms of Low self esteem are as follows:

Feeling that you're not good enough - even if you are. A decreased level of self confidence associated with putting yourself down all the time. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the purpose of life. Social withdrawal. Being unnecessarily fearful and concerned over what people think or imagine about you. The feeling of Self neglect.

The following tips can help you break out from The Low Self Esteem Prison:

Do activities you love: Your talents, abilities should be maximized to their optimal level in order to achieve purpose and direction for your life. When you identify and engage in these areas with purpose, you earn the self-esteem that you feel you deserve

Find the perfect motivation for changing these aspects in your life and dont expect a sudden miracle. Building self-esteem needs purpose and the need to accept changes in your life. Know that patience is a virtue, go slow but sure.

Feel good about what you have achieved so far, your ability to face the future with confidence and purpose.

Know your limitations. Know when to push and when to rest. There will always be times when situations will come to a plateau and you are confused on how to proceed. Follow your instincts and learn to be patient.

Interact with positive and supportive people. I always place emphasis on the need for positive networking because its necessary for personal development. Who you associate with influences your thoughts, actions and behaviour. Negative people tend to downplay your ideas, walk over you, patronize you etc. This significantly lowers your self esteem. Interacting with positive and supportive people tends to reduce of several bouts of low self esteem by impacting your life, making you feel loved, wanted, happy, constructively challenging you to positive growth..... Its important to develop a positive/personal support network.

Acknowledge compliments and constructive criticisms. Positive compliments and constructive criticisms (this shouldnt be likened to negative talks about your person) shouldnt be ignored at all. When you put yourself in a position of not being teachable or unworthy praises for work done, or good character possessed, it reflects low self esteem. Be gracious when receiving compliments or criticisms because they make you better person. It creates a sense of value and allows you contribute positively to the life of others.

Being realistic about your goals will enable you formulate specific steps on how to achieve that purpose.

A few tips:

Examine yourself

Make a list of strengths.

List your goals

Put your goal in stages

Be Optimistic

Have a time frame

People can help you in achieving your goals.

People behind bars often dream of a better life/future. People who experience low self esteem feel imprisoned but there is a likelihood of the prison doors being wide open without anyone imposing their stay in there.

Deal with Low self esteem

Are you ready to break out of prison?

Your comments will be appreciated. - 16890

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