Thursday, September 24, 2009

School Success Tips for the New School Year

By Lori Radun

It doesnt matter whether you are sending your child off to college for the first time, or your two year old is starting a two-day preschool program, a new school year is just around the corner. Some children love school, while others dread it. Growing up, I was one of those weird kids that loved school. Every year at about this time, my mother would take me school shopping for new clothes and school supplies. I dont know if it was the shopping I loved, or the anticipation of a new school year.

In my own home growing up and in our family today, we take our education seriously. Although my boys are not quite as willing and excited as I was about school, I still work to instill good success habits. Here are some ideas you can use with your children to ensure a successful school year.

Establish Routines for Morning, After School and Bedtime

When my oldest son Kai was growing up, he was diagnosed with ADHD. It was then that I learned about how important routines were in a child's life. Children thrive on consistency and structure, and routines provide that repetition and instill good habits. Make up sheets of paper that list every step your child should take before school, after school and before he goes to bed. Be specific and practice these routines until they become natural and habitual.

Teach Your Children How to Set Goals

The sooner we teach our children to set goals, the better. While they are young (under age 12), encourage your children to set one academic goal and one behavioral goal each year. For instance, I will refrain from hitting my sister when I get angry. Academic goals can include completing homework on time, setting up a consistent reading program, or increasing a grade in a particular subject. As children reach middle school age, they can begin to learn how to set bigger goals or set a larger number of goals each year. To remind your children what their goals are, get creative and make a colorful goals sheet or vision board.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Last year was a challenging year for my younger son. Constant communication with him and regular check ins with his teacher were critical to helping him be successful in school. A child will not always readily share what is going on at school. While some may openly share the ups and downs, for others it is necessary to ask open ended questions that encourage them to talk. Children will share more easily when parents are emotionally available and can listen without judgment. Create a space during bedtime or playtime to allow your children to freely communicate with you.

Stay Tuned In to Your Childs Interests and Talents

Every child is special and different. Some children seem to be born natural athletes, while other children have natural intelligence, humor, or artistic abilities. How do you know what your child enjoys? Pay attention to what gives your child energy and what activities she naturally gravitates towards. Help your child identify what he is good at rather than always focusing on where he needs work. There is enough competition and comparisons going on in schools today. Children should be encouraged to compete with their personal best rather than comparing themselves to other children. Instead of worrying about what Johnny got on his spelling test, teach your child to try and beat his last spelling test score.

Minimize Your Childs Stressors

There are so many things that can cause stress for children today. Whether its the pressure of difficult or excessive schoolwork, bullies at school, or intense competition in extracurricular activities, stress will affect the entire family. Pay attention to what might be causing stress for your child. Eliminate the stressor or teach your children effective stress management techniques. Learning how to plan better can help minimize some homework stress. Minimizing extracurricular activities keeps a family balanced. Teaching your children how to control their mind by thinking flexible thoughts, and keeping fears and anxieties under control can go a long way towards alleviating stress. Educate your child about the importance of healthy eating, exercise and proper sleep. But most important, take care of yourself so you can model peaceful family living.

As my youngest enters the second grade, and my eldest begins his first year in college, I am anticipating a successful school year. With these tips, you and your children can look forward to and celebrate success as they enter a new school year. - 16890

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