Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Most Interesting Closet Design Project

By Jane A. Moore

I have been in the business of closet design for a number of years now, and I think that I am pretty good at what I do. My approach is to maximize the amount of usable space in a closet, and at the same time making it as simple or elaborate as the customers budget dictates. Smaller jobs often involve just a few wire racks and perhaps adding a second hanging bar. My favorite closet makeovers are always the large walk-in closets with a decent enough budget so I can include built-ins and accessorize with furniture.

Given my extensive experience in designing closet organization systems I felt pretty confident that I could handle most closet issues. I have begun to advertise on our local cable channel and business is booming. I have a web site that gets a fair amount of traffic and I tend to get a lot of referral business or word of mouth business.

Well, just when you think that you have seen it all and there is no one better prepared to handle any job in your business, a surprise will inevitably come your way. This is what happened to me just last week. I got a closet design request that threw me for a loop, and for a second I doubted whether I was really ready to handle this particular closet renovation. However, I decided that taking on the job would be at the very least interesting, and also further expand my range of closet design expertise.

A couple of weeks earlier my sister called me to see if I could possibly come to stay at their house and watch their son for the weekend while they had a weekend out of town. When I agreed that I was available that weekend, she then informed me that it would involve a bit more than bike riding in the park. She admitted that the only way she could convince my nephew to be happy about the weekend home alone was to promise him that his aunt would come over and design his closet with him. "How fun!" I thought! My nephew might be thinking of going into the business!

When I arrived at the house with my organizer catalogs and color swatches in hand, I was greeted by my sister and nephew. My sister gave me the run down on where everything was, said a quick goodbye to my nephew saying "have fun with your closet redesign dear", and they were gone. So now to the serious design work. I was surprised to see how prepared my nephew was, with his own pile of closet design inspiration clippings. But upon closer inspection, it became apparent that my nephew was not interested in any type of storage solutions what so ever. The clippings he handed me were assorted castle and dungeon pictures! A cell-phone call later and it was confirmed - we were redesigning a closet play room, of the medieval vintage.

Even with my lack of experience with this particular closet design project, I came away with some new skills and everyone was quite happy with the result, especially my nephew. Regardless of the design challenge that is thrown at you, if you approach it with an open mind, you may surprise yourself with skills you didn't know you had. So get started on that closet design project you've been dreading for years - whatever goal you have in mind for the finished product, it is bound to improve your currently underused cluttered excuse for a closet. - 16890

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