Sunday, September 20, 2009

Awaken From Your Sleep

By Carrie Spry

Unconscious living is how I could sum up most of my life. I felt out of control, my life was running itself. Decisions just make themselves, before I can actually think about them. How in the world did I end up in this situation? My life feels like one long fuzzy dream. The only thing I know for sure is this moment right now. I mean, I do have memories, but how can I be sure they were real?

I realized that if I wanted to be truly happy, that I would have to consciously make decisions. I'm not talking about preconditioned answers that we are all programmed to answer. I'm talking about actually thinking about what I am doing each day, be there in the moment, and making a decision based on that.

If you feel how I felt, its time for you to wake up and take control of your life. There is a world wide awakening right now. We are on the cusp of a "New Earth" so to speak. Have you read Eckhart Tolle's Book "A New Earth"? Or joined on Oprah's web casts about it? If not, you don't know what you are missing. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the truth is, I feel like I have know the information all along, but that is has just come to my attention.

If you learn to live consciously, more positive changes will occur in your life. Keep your mind open, try watching "The Secret" or "Zeitgeist." Those movies will help to expand your mind. If these movies are even the slightest peak at our futures, it will be an amazing one. I'm not telling you how to think. Just look at the information and make your own decisions.

The Earth is shifting at an alarming pace. Outside influences are no longer shaping our beliefs and decisions. We are searching for our own truths and becoming more independent. And because we are in the 21st century, we will not be killed for thinking differently. There are still some who are uncomfortable with change, however, the numbers are beginning to dwindle. I'm challenging you to wake up and make your own decisions. - 16890

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