Wednesday, December 2, 2009

4 Tips For Staying Motivated When Learning How To Get Thin Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Depending on the program you are using, learning how to get thin arms can be challenging. It will require an amount of effort over some length of time.

Most women, however, are not able to stay on track for the long haul.

You see, it's easy to start working towards a goal with oodles of motivation, but as time goes by that motivation begins to fade. Eventually, some women simply abandon their thin arm goal altogether.

So here are some tips to keep you on track to get thin arms:

1. Train your mind every day. The most successful entrepreneurs do it, so why aren't you? Many women decide to read the self-help book or seek advice once they feel bad. But this is like expecting to get in shape by simply working out really hard for one day. Your mind needs consistent motivational exercise to stay on track.

2. Don't rely on motivational speeches. Motivational speeches are great for getting you fired up for short periods of time. But the afterglow fades quickly. If you want lasting motivation, you have to modify your thought processes.

3. Write it down. Dealing with motivation-crushing thoughts within the boundaries of your head is like trying to hoard a vicious pack of fruit flies. You have to keep some type of physical log in order to deconstruct and eliminate them.

4. Do a reality check. Most times, you will greatly overestimate how hard something is. The best way to keep this effect in check, is to log perceived levels of effort and actual levels of effort. Before doing a task write down how hard you think it will be. Then, once completed write down how hard it actually was.

Now keep in mind that no matter how much you infuse your mind with motivation when learning how to get thin arms, you will face setbacks. It's simply impossible to maintain absolute dedication to a singular goal for extended periods of time. The key here is to accept the setback and bounce back as quickly as possible. - 16890

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