Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Automated Forex Trading

By Hass 67

Forex trading is being called the Recession Proof Business of 21st Century. Forex trading is becoming the best home based business opportunity. You only need a computer and a good internet connection to start trading forex from your kitchen table.

Forex market is quite different from the stock market. The stock market is less liquid as compared to the forex market. Stocks were traditionally seen as long term investments, where people buy stocks or a group of stocks in mutual funds and wait for them to appreciate and build in their retirement accounts.

Forex markets are open 24 hours, five days a week except on weekends. You can trade forex online anytime of the day. On the other hand stock markets are open only from 9 AM to 5PM. After the stock market closes, you have no way to buy or sell a stock.

90% of the people who trade forex are speculators meaning they are looing for making a quick gain. Many forex traders are day traders. Stock trading has traditionally been a long term investment. Once you buy a stock you have locked in your money for a considerable time.

Forex trading is far easier than stock trading. In stock trading, you may have to study thousands of stocks before making your picking. As compared to that in forex trading, you are mostly dealing with 5 or 6 currency pairs.

Forex trading offers you the advantage of lower trading costs as compared to stock trading. In forex trading, there are no commissions, only the spread between the bid/ask price that you have to pay. In stock trading you have a pay a commission to your broker per trade.

During the year 2008, investors have taken a severe beating in the stock markets. This is the worst bear market after 1929. Even blue chip stocks could not weather the financial storm. Many people lost more than 70% of their retirement accounts during 2008.

There is a bear market in stocks right now. This bear market may take a few more years to recover. On the other hand, forex markets are always bullish. SInce, currencies are always traded in pairs. If one currency loses, the other currency gains.

Forex markets are huge. They dwarf the size of all the stock exchanges of the world combined. Daily $3.2 trillion get transacted in the currency markets. Currency markets are so big that no one has the ability to manipulate them or control them. Not even, the governments or the central banks. Even FED cannot control dollar.

After losing their hard earned wealth in the stock market crash of 2008, many people are wondering how can they recover their losses...

Forex trading is the answer. Many people are afraid of forex trading and think it to be too risky and difficult. No doubt, it is for those who do not try to educate themselves and learn from others. But if you have the discipline and commitment, within a few months you can become a successful forex trader.

You can read my blog where I give many forex trading methods. Most of these methods are risk free. You can try them on your demo account before actually implementing them on your live account. I want you to try one method that works on autopilot and you can try it risk free for 60 days. - 16890

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