Sunday, April 26, 2009

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life

By Asara Lovejoy

If you have been trying to use The Law of Attraction, but somehow, no matter how hard you try, it doesn't seem to be working, maybe as Yoda says, "There is no try, there is only do." We have all been in a situation where no matter how much we try, it just does not work as we would like.

Sometimes what we were trying to create wasn't really the best thing for us, or perhaps we just pushed away what we wanted. By the very act of trying so hard, we got in our own way and actually sabotaged our efforts. The universe reacts in exactly the same way, when we try to push the river by working hard to make things happen, or when we worry, we send out the same desperate energy, and we push things out of our grasp.

For decades, I had practiced the Laws of Attraction along with a friend of mine. We had read all of the books available on the subject. Affirmations appeared to be working for all others except for the two of us. We did not even know what we did not know. We were completely incompetent.

There were things happening for us but just not what we believed we wanted or were asking for. We were guilty of producing results that we truly did not want by our fault in process. Through a three-year period of conversing, at least we were not completely incompetent any longer. We realized we were using a system with flaws and we ourselves were not inadequate.

When we pose an unconscious incompetent state of any process, we create our own fear, financial challenges, and of course, stress. Worries and success are created from the same neurological process only we use the energy to get what we want with successes.

So we set a goal to learn the way to be consciously competent. We needed to do affirmations properly or even to find a new method or approach to affirming or reaching our wants and desires. We had to find the missing pieces of the puzzle.

When we are out of work, under-employed, underpaid, in an unfulfilling relationship, angry, unforgiving, we are the unhappy creators of these situations. We are the creators of our own universe. When we are practicing the Law of Attraction, we are producing exactly what we are unconsciously asking for. We are often creating from negative emotions like fear, and we are getting exactly what we have asked for.

The process is called The One Command, and it is a simple, easy process that brings us to the realization of our existing mastery. The One Command is one simple statement that gets the attention of our greater capacity and brings forth all that we desire.

Achieving your wants and dreams is as simple as taking one step, The One Command. Being consciously aware of what you want and dream and actively striving to achieve it is all it takes to have your world the world you want. - 16890

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