Thursday, June 11, 2009

Content Writing The Right Way

By M. Reed

If you're writing or creating content, or if you want to be an effective blog writer, it's not something that you can just jump into. You have to have a basic understanding of the type of writing you'll be doing and who it's targeted to so that you'll be able to cater to the people who are reading what you have to say. When you create content, it's like making a product or offering a service. People have to want it " and you have to show them that they want it. Make it witty. Make it engaging. Depending on the subject, make it funny or a little bit sarcastic.

Don't talk over people's heads with a bunch of technical jargon that they won't understand. Most people don't like that, unless you're writing something very technical for a very specific market. Most of the Internet writing and blog writing is written between a sixth and an eighth grade level. That doesn't mean that people are stupid, but only that they don't want to have to work too hard to understand something. They are busy. They have things to do.

Writers and artists should always have one goal in mind. Provoking an emotional response from their audience. If you can get a reaction from people, chances are you can get them interested enough to keep reading, subscribe to your blog, and/or tell their friends. Whether you are shocking, funny, or suspenseful an emotional response from your readers is a must.

It doesn't matter if you're working on an article, a brochure or a blog post, it's a good idea to add your personality to whatever it is you are writing. There is only one way to write words that move people: by writing them from your heart. People want to be able to relate to what they are reading, if its real and has real voice your work will gain more exposure.

Plagiarism is the enemy of any writer. Do not do it. Do not steal other peoples words. Everything on the internet is recorded these days, and with websites like CopyScape its pretty easy to catch people who are ripping off the work of others. If you get caught stealing you definitely won't have many readers left! So stay away from copying!

Be niche specific! If there's one important rule of blogging, it's that you must stick to niche. It's the easiest way to get people to subscribe and to become long term readers. Gather people together under a common interest and watch your site start to blossom! If you are writing a business blog or a gossip rag, whatever the case, stay specific and your audience will stick around!

It's also very important, whether you're writing for content creation or for effective blogging, that you know who you're talking to. Sure, anyone could find your blog or your site and read it, but who are your normal, common, or standard reader? What age group are they in, what do they like to do, and why are they interested in what you have to say? No matter what you're writing, if you want people to read it and respond to it, knowing your target market and catering to it is the most important thing you can do for success. - 16890

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