Sunday, June 14, 2009

Things to Consider When You Want to Win Back Lost Love

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to win back lost love that is from a long time ago there may be an uphill battle ahead for you. If you are like many, you have reached a point in your life that you realize that things might have been better for you if you had taken that other path.

Maybe you thought the grass was greener. Maybe there was a litany of things you did wrong, or they did wrong, that drove you apart. Maybe you just miss a time you've idealized in your memory, putting gold pixie dust on cherished memories. If you want to move past the pixie dust and self delusion, follow these tips.

Take the time to assess what you've already got. Most people who regret the path not taken failed to take advantage of the opportunities before them, and they regretted it. Make sure you're not about to give up something good now to rekindle old flames.

If you don't want to spend your life looking backwards at your old choices, make a conscious effort to look at the life and the love you have now. It's better to love who you're with and make that work than to live a life of regret over a sequence of lost loves given up to short sighted goals.

It's also worthwhile to ask if they've moved on. Quite honestly, time wounds all heels, and heals all wounds. Just because you're not happy with your present partner and are longing for what you gave up doesn't mean they're feeling the same way about you. Trying to re-open a dormant relationship could hurt both of you.

Ask yourself if they're happy and content. If they are, leave well enough alone. All you'll do by dredging up might have beens is make both of you miserable. That may seem cool in movies, but it sucks in real life.

Everyone changes over time. You changed. They've changed. Events may well have made you entirely different people. The circumstances that your old relationship had don't exist any more. If you're going to make the second go around, focus not on the past, but on the future you want to build together.

Fourth, start off slowly. If they arent expecting you to come calling and all of the sudden you are there constantly it may smell of desperation. You may be desperate and be somewhat obsessed about them but dont let them know.

Take your time and dont let them know how badly you want them back, at least not for a while. Take the time to get to know them again and for them to get to know you.

As with any relationship, look forward. Forgive the past, learn from the past, and let it lie on its own. What matters is proving that the future you can have together is worth pursuing.

You lost it because one or both of you didnt make the most of chances you were given and you are doomed to repeat it if you dont take advantage of today. If you have a chance to start this love over or win back lost love, make the most of the moment. - 16890

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