Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Can Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend by Dating Someone Else

By Ricardo d Argence

To win back ex boyfriend, try dating someone else! Your first thought is that that doesn't sound right! It sounds counter-intuitive and you're flat out not going to do it! Right? Well what if it's the right thing to do and by doing it you move yourself closer to getting back together with your ex boyfriend? Would you do it then?

Let me explain! When you've been dumped by someone you're still in love with, instinctively your first thoughts are to chase after them and to beg and plead with them to take you back. It's pretty much a mad panic on your part to get right back into the relationship before your ex boyfriend forgets about you and or meets someone else.

First, before you do anything else, take a deep breath and tell yourself that hes not going to forget you over night. He cared about you once. Hes not likely to forget that quickly. If there is a way to win back your ex boyfriend, it is not by begging.

Instead to win back ex boyfriend trust that taking some time out is the right thing to do and take that time out. During this time away from your ex boyfriend, be sure not to contact him in anyway. Just let him get on with whatever he's doing and you do the same.

It gets easier once youve made a decision to take a break from your ex boyfriend. Now, call up some of your friends, put on your favorite outfit and go out and have some fun. It will take your mind off trying to patch things up. Dont be tempted to call him. Remember youve made a decision to take a break.

Now if youre out there having a good time like youre supposed to be doing, you may just meet someone you think is nice. Think about whether hes someone you might be interested in dating, even just one date. Youre free to date, after all it was your ex boyfriends idea to break up. Go ahead and have some fun.

You dont have to be serious about the guy. You probably want to tell him you just want to have some fun with him and that youre not ready for anything serious. Tell him you like him and just want to get to know him.

What you should also be clear about in your own mind, is that this is not about making your ex boyfriend jealous. It is only about keeping your spirits high and helping you come to terms with the situation with your ex boyfriend.

And who knows, you might just find out that this new guy is really nice. Spending time with him may make you realize that things with your ex boyfriend werent so great after all. This break from the old relationship will help you feel how you really feel and be a real way to win back ex boyfriend. - 16890

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