Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hope Floats In A Bad Economy With E-commerce

By Sven Makowal

In a very short period of time we have seen some interesting changes associated with the internet. When it comes to attracting adult attention the internet sits solidly in the number 2 place behind television. Another demographic change is that adults 55 years of age and over now makeup almost one third of all internet users. This means that today, more then ever before, there is more buying power and prospects available to people wanting to buy and sell over the internet with the different e-commerce or shopping cart solutions now available. Other external factors driving on-line shopping include things such as the recent gas price increases and the move to more environmentally conscious green solutions. One more buying shift will be the change from higher income level families being more likely to purchase over the internet. Because of ease of access, a green consciousness and the cost of getting around more and more people from lower income levels will turn to the internet as well.

Statistics recently available through eMarketer suggest a 65% growth in US shopping over the internet between 2008 and 2013. In raw numbers this means a jump in US dollars from $133 B to $203 B. In Canada the growth from 2007 to 2012 is expected to equal these percentages with the Canadian dollar value rising from $13.8 B to $22.8 B. From a strategic perspective any company not doing business over the internet today is disadvantaged. However, the growth forecasts also mean that if your not in the game today by no means are you too late either.

Although it is easy for anyone to fall victim to the negativity surrounding today's economic reality, our world is still full of opportunity if we know where to look. The availability of the Internet provides each of us with a worldwide audience ready to see what we have. And the presence of Internet e-commerce or Shopping Cart technology means all of us are just one step away from building our own personal safety net. Multiple income streams are a reality for anyone with an idea or product and the determination to spend the time to understand how it all links together. And even if you don't have a product of your own, the availability of many excellent Affiliate Programs allows anyone with a web site to use another's products or services to generate an income as they start up and nurture their own idea. The Affiliate Program is also an excellent way to understand the mechanics of the internet and shopping cart technology while you grow your idea.

The internet has spawned a number of other social advertising formats such as Face Book, U-Tube, Twitter and more. This has caused a shift away from traditional and more expensive advertising media such as papers and yellow books. So, in addition to their reach advantages these new social media are providing cost containment for today's financially stretched businesses. And this is accelerating the migration away from paper based solutions. Their reach is also a plus. Although everyone agrees that the economy is more challenging it is not bad everywhere. As in any down market there are always people and places that continue to thrive. The internets reach means that you have access to these markets and all the emerging and improving markets as conditions change and previously depressed areas being their economic recovery. Your presence on the internet combined with your shopping cart solution means that you are they when they are ready.

Regardless of any economy there are always people wanting to buy today and people looking to gather information to purchase later. If your product and website are convincing enough and your e-commerce solution easy to use then you will get the now buyer. But the shoppers need to be convinced. Therefore, any good shopping cart will have a capability to stay in touch with the shopper. The wise internet seller can source other technologies that can work with their shopping cart and e-commerce programs to deliver on-going campaigns keeping your prospects up to date and interested in your products and services. This means they don't have to constantly surf your site to see when a sale or other special is on. For an example of a company with an excellent marketing campaign technology check out The social networks such as Face Book, U-tube and Twitter are also excellent ways to build rapport and credibility with future buyers so that when it does come time to buy, your name and product are at the top of their mind. These media provide excellent ways of measuring the reception of your products and services and gauging the readiness of the public for an idea you may have. Therefore, don't limit yourself in how you reach out to your current and future prospects and customers.

The last two years have not been kind to large companies and some of their outdated practices have given rise to significant animosity. Ill mention AIG and let it go at that. However, we can still learn from them. For example, a February 2009 report suggests that CMOs or Chief Marketing Officers, in their list of Top 10 Priorities for 2009, list the integration of their traditional media and marketing programs with internet services as number 2. There are obvious advantages of doing this and they include reduced costs and overhead in the marketing departments. For the entrepreneur and the small to medium business these same benefits accrue. An on-line enterprise combined with an e-commerce capability, if properly thought out and marketed, can be the key to a second income and additional peace of mind. It could be a stepping stone to a whole new business. As with everything else in the world however, how effective we are in using these tools to attract, convert and retain will differentiate us and our success. - 16890

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